Fill liquid propane cylinder | Remove plastic dust cover from the fuel cylinder valve. | |||
Note - The liquid propane cylinder manufacturer is | Screw the regulator coupling onto the cylinder |
| ||
responsible for the materials, workmanship and | valve(1), clockwise, or to the right. Hand tighten only. | |||
performance of the cylinder. If the cylinder has a | Note: This is a new type of connection. It tightens | |||
defect, malfunctions, or you have a question regarding | clockwise and will not allow gas to flow unless the | |||
the cylinder, call the cylinder manufacturer’s customer | connection is tight. The connection requires tightening | |||
service center. The phone number is on the warning | by hand only. |
| |
decal, which is permanently attached to the cylinder. If | m WARNING: Do not use a wrench to tighten the | |||
the cylinder manufacturer has not resolved the issue to | connection. Using a wrench could damage the | |||
your satisfaction, then contact the Customer Service | regulator coupling and could cause a gas leak. | |||
Representative in your region using the contact | Regulator vent hole should be at 3, 6, or 9 o’clock. It | |||
information sheet provided with your manual. | should not be pointed up.(2) |
| |
To fill, take the liquid propane cylinder and filler |
adapter to an RV center or look up |
| (1) |
phone book for other sources of liquid propane gas. |
| |
m WARNING: We recommend that your liquid |
propane cylinder be filled at an authorized liquid |
propane gas dealer by a qualified attendant, who |
fills the tank by weight. |
Tell your liquid propane dealer that this is a new liquid |
propane cylinder. The air must be removed from a new |
liquid propane cylinder before the initial filling. Your |
liquid propane cylinder dealer is equipped to do this. |
The liquid propane cylinder must be installed, trans- |
ported and stored in an upright position, and should |
not be dropped or handled roughly. |
Never store or transport the liquid propane cylinder |
where temperatures can reach 125° Fahrenheit (too |
hot to hold by hand – for example: do not leave the |
liquid propane cylinder in a car on a hot day). |
| (2) |
For full instructions on safe handling of liquid propane |
| |
cylinders, see Section “Operating”. |
Connect filled liquid propane cylinder | Checking the fuel level in your tank |
| ||
m WARNING: Make sure that the cylinder valve is | Check the fuel level by viewing the color indicator level | |||
closed. Close by turning clockwise. | line on the side of the tank scale. |
| ||
Hook the liquid propane cylinder onto the fuel gauge. | 1) | Empty |
Loosen the cylinder lock wing nut. Swing the cylinder | 2) | Medium |
lock down. Tighten the wing nut. | 3) | Full |
| (1) | (2) | (3) |