Sunrise Medical Z-Bop Choose the Right Chair & Safety Options, Adjust Chair to Your Ability

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Sunrise provides a choice of many power wheelchair styles, sizes and adjustments to meet the needs of the rider. However, final selection of a wheelchair rests solely with you and your health care professional. Choosing the best chair for you depends on such things as:

1.Your size, disability, strength, balance and coordination.

2.Your intended use, and your level of activity.

3.The types of hazards you must overcome in daily use (in areas where you are likely to use your chair).

4.The need for options for your safety and comfort (such as positioning belts or special seat systems).


You need to work with your doctor, nurse or therapist, and your supplier, to fit this chair and adjust the controller settings for your level of function and ability.


Before using this chair you, and each person who may assist you, should read this entire Manual and make sure to follow all instruc- tions. Review the warnings often, until they are second nature to you.


The word “WARNING” refers to a hazard or unsafe practice that may cause severe injury or death to you or to other persons. The “Warnings” are in four main sections, as follows:

1.V — EMI

Here you will learn about electromagnetic interference and how it can affect your chair.



Here you will find a safety checklist and a summary of risks you need to be aware of before you ride this chair.

3.VII — WARNINGS — COMPONENTS & OPTIONS Here you will learn about your chair. Consult your supplier and your health care professional to help you choose the best set-up and options for your safety.


Here you will learn about battery and charger safety, and how to avoid injury.

Q-NOTE–Where they apply, you will also find “Warnings” in other sections of this Manual.

Throughout this owner’s manual and on the wheelchair you will see the icons listed below to identify warnings and potential haz- ards. It is important to read and understand all of them and under- stand them.

WARNING! These warnings must be followed, failure to do so may cause personal injury or may damage the wheelchair.

PROHIBITED! Prohibited actions must never be per- formed. Performing an action that is prohibited can cause personal injury or may damage the wheelchair.

Q-NOTE:Q-Notes are informative statements to help further explain actions, warnings or product detail.

ESD: Electrostatic Discharge has a potential to dam- age printed circuit boards unless handled cor- rectly. When the ESD symbol is shown through- out the owner manual, use the Proper Handling Techniques Insert supplied with the chair to properly handle printed circuit board.



Heed all warnings to reduce the risk of unintended brake release or chair movement:

1.Beware of the danger from hand-held transceivers. Never turn on or use a hand-held transceiver while power to your chair is on. Use extra care if you believe that such a device may be in use near your chair.

2.Be aware of nearby radio or TV stations, and avoid coming close to them.

3.If unintended movement occurs, turn your chair off as soon as it is safe to do so.




1.EMI means: electromagnetic (EM) interference (I). EMI comes from radio wave sources such as radio transmitters and transceivers. (A “transceiver” is a device that both sends and receives radio wave signals).

2.There are a number of sources of intense EMI in your daily environment. Some of these are obvious and easy to avoid. Others are not, and you may not be able to avoid them.

3.Powered wheelchairs may be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) emitted from sources such as radio sta- tions, TV stations, amateur radio (HAM) transmitters, two way radios, and cellular phones.

4.EMI can also be produced by conducted sources or electro- static discharge (ESD).


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Contents Zippie Z-Bop Sunrise Listens IntroductionFor Answers to Your Questions IntroductionII . Table of Contents III. Your Chair and ITS Parts III . Your Chair and ITS PartsAdjust Chair to Your Ability Choose the Right Chair & Safety OptionsWhat is EMI? Review this Manual OftenSources of EMI What Effect can EMI HAVE? WarningDistance from the Source Warning Immunity LevelController Settings Weight LimitSafety CHECK-LIST VI . General WarningsWhen Seated in a Parked Wheelchair Changes & AdjustmentsMotor Vehicle Safety Environmental ConditionsReaching or Leaning TransfersIf YOU Must Reach or LEAN, do SO AT Your OWN Risk Dressing or Changing ClothesRamps AT Home & Work To Reduce the Risk of a FALL, TIP- Over or Loss of ControlWheelchair Lifts Curbs & Single StepsANTI-TIP Tubes ON/OFF SwitchArmrests ProhibitedPositioning Belts WiringSeating Systems Upholstery FabricRear Wheel Locks Transit OptionModified Seat Systems ANTI-TIP Tubes optional Manual CarrierTools YOU will Need Viii . SET- UP, Adjustment & USEVIII. SET-UP, Adjustment & USE Power Base Seat Removal Seat Frame Battery Removal Figures 1, 2Power Base Seat Height Adjustment CHECK-OUT Power Base Shroud RemovalRemove Colored Shroud Remove Main ShroudSWING-AWAY Hangers 60º, 70º, or 90º Fig BackrestArticulating Legrest Optional Fig Elevating and 90º Elevating Legrests Optional FigComposite Footplate Fig Kids & Adult Angle Adjustable FootplateAluminum Footplate Fig 90º Footboard FigJoystick & Enhanced Display Figs 19, 20, 21 HEIGHT-ADJUSTABLE Armrests Optional FigPlatform FLIP-UP Footplate Fig Wheel Locks Joystick or Enhanced Display SWING-AWAYRetractable Mount Optional Fig ANTI-TIP Tubes Rear Manual carrier FigManual Carrier optional Figures 28 Performance Control Settings IX . Power Base Operating GuideOr Quickie PC Setup Station Optional Circuit BreakersThermal ROLL-BACK Joystick AssemblyEnhanced Display Motor Locks Connecting Batteries in Battery Well Battery ChargerIntroduction BAT TeriesDisposing of Batteries Charging BatteriesBattery Maintenance CleaningXI . Maintenance Storage TipsMotor Brushes Maintenance ChartOrdering Parts Tire Pressure GaugeReplacement Parts Warranty Zippie Z-BOP Limited WarrantyXII . Sunrise Limited Warranty What WE will doSunrise À L’ÉCOUTE Sunrise Medical Service à la clientèleRéponses À VOS Questions Mise EN Garde À Lintention DE L’UTILISATEUR AvertissementII . Table DES Matières II. Table DES MatièresZippie Z-BOP III . Votre Fauteuil ET SES PiècesIII. Votre Fauteuil ET SES Pièces IV. Notice À Lire Avant Toute Utilisation IV. Notice À Lire Avant Toute UtilisationRéglez LE Fauteuil Selon VOS Capacités Physiques Consultez CE Manuel RégulièrementQuels Sont LES Effets Possibles D’UNE EMI ? Avertissement QU’EST-CE QUE L’EMI ? AvertissementSources D’EMI Avertissement Distance DE LA Source AvertissementVI . Avertissements D’ORDRE Général Signalez Tout Incident Présumé D’EMI AvertissementVI. Avertissements D’ORDRE Général Limite DE Poids Avertissement Réglage DES Commandes AvertissementLES EMI Avertissement Liste DES Vérifications DE Sécurité AvertissementUtilisation Dans LA RUE Avertissement Terrain AvertissementSécurité EN Voiture Avertissement Centre Déquilibre AvertissementHabillage OU Changement DE Vêtements Avertissement Pour Saisir UN Objet OU Vous Pencher AvertissementObstacles Avertissement Faire UNE Marche Arrière OU Reculer AvertissementÉlévateurs Pour Fauteuils Roulants Avertissement Rampes À LA Maison ET AU Travail AvertissementTrottoirs ET Marches Avertissement Escaliers AvertissementAccoudoirs Avertissement Tubes ANTI-BASCULEMENTInterdit Batteries AvertissementPoignées DE Manœuvre Sangles DE Maintien AvertissementSièges Avertissement Matériau DE Garnissage AvertissementDispositifs DE Blocage DES Roues Arrière Avertissement Options DE Transport AvertissementSièges Modifiés Avertissement Tubes ANTI-BASCULEMENTen option fauteuil manuel uniquementOutillage Requis Viii . MONTAGE, Réglage ET UtilisationVIII. MONTAGE, Réglage ET Utilisation Réglage de la hauteur du siège électrique Retrait DES BatteriesRéglage DE LA Hauteur DU Siège Vérifications Retrait DE LA HousseEnlevez la housse en couleur Retirez la housse principaleÉlévation ET Inclinaison À 90º DE L’APPUI-JAMBE DossierSupports Pivotants 60º, 70º, ou 90º Fig APPUI-JAMBE Articulé en option FigSemelle À Angle Réglable Pour Enfants ET Adultes Semelle Composite FigSemelle EN Aluminium Fig Positionnement DE LA Semelle À 90 FigAccoudoirs À Hauteur Réglable en option Fig Semelle À PLATE-FORME Rabattable FigTubes ANTI-BASCULEMENT Arrière Fauteuil manuel Fig Mécanismes DE Blocage DES RouesRetrait DU Siège FIGS.26 IX. Guide Dutilisation DU Fauteuil Électrique IX . Guide D’UTILISATION DU Fauteuil ÉlectriqueDisjoncteurs Mécanismes DE Blocage DU MoteurCircuit DE Réduction DE LA Puissance Thermique Réglages DE LA Commande DES PerformancesEnclenchez les mécanismes de blocage du moteur Programmation du fauteuilLevier DE Commande Protection du levier de commande F Levier de commande EDispositif D’AFFICHAGE Amélioré Prises de l’interrupteur à distance en option non illustréUtilisez des batteries adéquates Chargeur DE BatterieVotre fauteuil fonctionne avec deux batteries de 12 volts RodageCharge DES Batteries Avertissement Branchement DES Batteries Dans Leur Logement AvertissementMise AU Rebut DES Batteries Suivez toujours ces conseilsNettoyage XI. EntretienConseils DE Rangement Entretien DES Batteries AvertissementCommande DE Pièces Réparation OU Remplacement D’UN Pneu AvertissementDiagramme D’ENTRETIEN Balais DU MoteurGarantie DES Pièces Détachées Zippie Z-BOP Garantie LimitéeNotre Responsabilité VOS ObligationsPara Contestar a SUS Preguntas Sunrise EscuchaIntroducción Advertencia Para EL Distribuidor Y TécnicoII . Índice II. ÍndiceNotas RevisionIII. SU Silla Y SUS Partes III . SU Silla Y SUS PartesAjuste SU Silla DE Acuerdo a SU Capacidad Seleccione LA Mejor Silla Y Opciones DE SeguridadRevise Este Manual CON Frecuencia AdvertenciasFuentes DE EMI Advertencia ¿QUÉ Efecto Puede Tener EMI? AdvertenciaDistancia DE LA Fuente Advertencia Nivel DE Inmunidad AdvertenciaLímite DE Peso Aviso Para EL Usuario Y LOS Ayudantes AdvertenciaParámetros DEL Controlador Advertencia EMI AdvertenciaCondiciones Ambientales Advertencia Cambios Y Ajustes AdvertenciaTerreno Advertencia USO EN LAS Calles AdvertenciaCentro DE Equilibrio Advertencia Cambios AdvertenciaEstirándose O Inclinándose Advertencia Para Reducir EL Riesgo DE Lesiones Y Daños a LA SillaRAMPAS, Planos Inclinados Y Laderas Advertencia Moviéndose Hacia Atrás O EN Marcha Atrás AdvertenciaRampas EN Casa Y EN EL Trabajo Advertencia Elevadores DE Sillas DE Ruedas AdvertenciaEscaleras Eléctricas Advertencia Escaleras AdvertenciaTubos Contra Volcaduras CojinesInterruptor DE Apagado / Encendido Advertencia Seguros DEL Motor AdvertenciaRuedas Neumáticas Advertencia Cinturones DE Posicionamiento AdvertenciaUSO Para Tránsito Advertencia Inclinación Manual AdvertenciaOpción DE Tránsito Advertencia Sistemas DE Asiento Modificados AdvertenciaSunrise recomienda usar los tubos contra volcaduras Opcionales Silla manualVIII. PREPARACIÓN, Ajuste Y USO Viii . PREPARACIÓN, Ajuste Y USONotas Herramientas NecesariasAjuste DE LA Altura DEL Asiento Base eléctrica Remoción DE LAS Baterías Figuras 1, 2 yPara Remover las Baterías Instalación de la BateríaRevisión Remoción DE LA Cubierta Base eléctricaRemoción de la Cubierta de Color Remoción de la Cubierta PrincipalReposapiernas Elevables Y Elevables a RespaldoSostenes Giratorios 60º, 70º ó 90º Fig Reposapiernas Articulado opcional FigEstribo DE Aluminio Fig Estribo Compuesto FigSoporte DEL Estribo a 90 Fig Estribo DE Ángulo Ajustable Para Niños Y Adultos Figs yPalanca DE Mando Y Pantalla Optimizada Estribo DE Plataforma Elevable FigReposabrazos DE Altura Ajustable opcionales Fig Figs , 20, 21Mando O Pantalla Optimizada Opcional Fig Montaje Retráctil Pivotante DE LA Palanca DESeguros DE LAS Ruedas Remoción DEL Asiento Figs yInterruptores DE Circuito IX . Guía DE Funcionamiento DE LA Base EléctricaSeguros DEL Motor Silla Manual optional Figures 28Regresión Térmica Parámetros DE Control DEL FuncionamientoLiberar los Seguros del Motor Asegurar los Seguros del MotorConjunto DE LA Palanca DE Mando Palanca de Mando E Pantalla OptimizadaFunda de la Palanca de Mando F Entradas para Interruptor Remoto opcionales no se muestranIntroducción XI. BateríasCargador DE Baterías BateríasEliminación DE LAS Baterías Advertencia Cómo Cargar LAS Baterías AdvertenciaBatería SiempreLimpieza XIV. MantenimientoConsejos DE Almacenamiento Mantenimiento DE LA Batería AdvertenciaEscobillas DEL Motor Para Reparar O Reemplazar UNA Rueda AdvertenciaOrdenando Piezas Tabla DE MantenimientoGarantía DE LAS Piezas DE Repuesto Zippie Z-BOP Garantía LimitadaLO QUE Haremos LO QUE Usted Debe HacerSunrise Medical Inc