Special Tests
If you wish to record additional information with the test result, press Enter Notes and choose a comment from the list. Press Ok.
SureStepPro 2.0 – Press Ok at the Linearity Level Result screen to display the Lin Level screen. Press Ok to proceed with the remaining replicates of level 1.
SureStepPro 1.2 – Press Ok to display the Lin/Unkn Test screen. Proceed with the remaining replicates of level 1.
SureStepPro 2.0 users – press Next Level from the Linearity Level screen to continue with the remaining linearity solution levels (2 through 5).
SureStepPro 1.2 users – continue with the remaining levels.
When the testing of all five levels is complete, perform a data transfer to upload the linearity test results to the workstation so a linearity report can be generated.