Quality Control Test
• If the result is FAILED,
press Enter Notes and choose from 1 to 3
comments. This will be recorded with the failed result. Press Ok, remove the test strip, and repeat the QC test.
Or, if the Menu button is displayed at the Failed QC
screen, you may press Menu
to repeat the test without recording any comments with the test result.
Read the SureStepPro Test Strip package insert for information on troubleshooting a failed QC test.
If the control solution result fails, repeat the test. The system may not be functioning properly. Do not use the system to test a patient’s blood glucose level unless the control solution result falls within the expected range.
A configuration option was selected which may require you to select comments when a QC test fails. If Enter Notes is the only option available at the failed QC Result screen, you are required to select at least one comment.
The comments that appear at the Select Comment screen have been selected by your system administrator.