Advanced Operation | Background Music |
Background Music
You can set background music over your telephone speaker or over external speakers. Up to 16 different music sources can be applied to the Strata CTX system: the first source is Quiet Tone, all others can be music or recorded information.
➤To enable background music on your telephone speaker
➤Press the BGM + n(#) + BGM, where n is the music sources 1~16
...or press an extension button + #490 + n + # + Spkr, where n is the music source 1~16. If the music source is a single digit, press # before pressing Spkr. If the source is omitted, then the last selected music source is selected.
➤To cancel background music on your telephone speaker
➤Press BGM
...or press an extension button + #491 + Spkr.
➤To enable background music over your external paging speakers
➤Press BGM ext and enter a source number (1~16) to select a music source
...or press an extension button + #492 source is a single digit, press # before music source is selected.
+n(#) + Spkr, where n is the music source 1~16. If the music pressing Spkr. If the source is omitted, then the last selected
➤To cancel background music over your external paging speakers
➤Press BGM ext
...or press an extension button + #493 + Spkr.
Strata CTX | 29 |