Gateway AG-168V user manual Set serviceaddr, Set serviceid, Set nattraversal, Set nataddr

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AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)

17:use Lucent system; 19: use IPN system; 20: use yayuang system; 21:

use thinker system; 22: use suntek system; 28: use txtc system.

set serviceaddr XXXX

Set IP address or domain name of gatekeeper.

set serviceid XXXXX

Set service ID according to required by service system.

set nattraversal X

Set NAT traversal or not. X ranged from 0 through 7: 0: do not use. When the

log in server and IP GATEWAY in the same LAN, or the log in system

supports the IP GATEWAY working behind the LAN; 1: Use NAT traversal.

When the login system does not support IP GATEWAY working behind the

LAN, please use this value to search public IP address of the NAT device.

With this item selected, please make port mapping on NAT device; 2: With

Citron private protocol used, use this value to fit into the GnuGK system

transferring the voice and signal by router; 3: use this value with Innopath

private system used; 5: use this value with vida private system used; 6: aivgr

use this value with aivgr private system used; 7: use this value with Eproxy

private system used.

set nataddr XXXXX

Set IP address of NAT device wan port or URI of free assistant service (Such as etc.) in Internet.

NOTE The free service list of Internet;;


Image 26
Contents Function Keys of AG-168V SIP Gateway Introduction Features Hardware SoftwareElectric requirements Standard and ProtocolOperating requirements Gateway supports following standard and protocolInstallation SizeConfiguration Phone Keypad setupConfigured by WEB Network Setting Is192.169.1.100Page Protocol Setting Page  phone number set local ID Register portPhone settings Page  inner line prefix default is Audio settings Other settings G729g7231g711ug711a and gsmPhonenumber check phonenumber auto upgrade Configured by PalmTool Button to confirm the modificationComman Telnet ConfigurationAG-168V Telnet Commands Explanation Get Detail description of AG-168V Telnet commands Command ?Command get SetInnerline 1enable Localprefix Command set Syntax description set keywords value Detailed description Set iptypeSet ip Set pppidSet ppppin Set subnetmaskSet router Set serviceSet service type Set dnsSet nattraversal Set serviceaddrSet serviceid Set nataddrSet GATEWAYnumber Set signalportSet natttl Set accountSet rtpport Set registerttlSet rtptos Set jittersizeSet dialnumber Set dtmf payloadSet dialplan Set dddcodeSet innerline Set iddprefixSet dddprefix Set localpreifxSet fwdnumber Set fwdpoweroffSet digitmap Set fwdalwaysSet agc Set 6.3kSet vad Set aecSet codec2 Set passwordSet superpassword Set codec3Relevant Usage store Command load Set upgradeaddrCommand store Relevant Usage load Command exitRelevant usage ftp Command ping Syntax description ping IP addressFtp command Syntax description ftp value Usage of AG-168V FXS  Call with ip addressCall when Pstn first Dual mode enabled Using Http Upgrade AG-168V IP GatewayTelnet command to updating Prepare Updated program through FTPHardwareTagServiceTypeProtocolXXX.bin Ocheck.The configuration All rights reserved