To put an outside caller on hold and
speak to another internal handset
•Press the INT button. You hear the internal dial tone and your outside caller is put on hold. Your caller will hear ‘music
•Press the handset number you want,
•Press the RCL button to end the internal call and speak to your outside caller.
To transfer an external call between
If you are in a conversation with an outside caller and want to transfer the call to another handset.
•Press the INT button. Display shows EXT INT plus your handset number. The caller hears a tune.
•Enter the number of the handset to which you wish to transfer the call. When the handset is answered, you can talk to the other handset without the outside caller hearing.
•To reconnect to your outside caller: Press the RCL button.
•To transfer the call press the END CALL button, or replace your handset on its base.
Quick call transfer
After dialling the other handset, you can immediately press the END CALL button, or replace the handset on the base and the call will be transferred straight through. If the other handset is already engaged, or does not answer the call within 30 seconds, the call will be returned to your handset.
Please note: If you go out of range of a base station for a long time while your handset is switched ON, it may take more than 20 minutes to ÔfindÕ the base station again when you come back within range. However, by simply switching the handset OFF for a moment, then ON again, it will find the base station within a few seconds.