Your Phone
Phone Screen
1 | Header | Displays date, time, and directory number. |
2 | Line text label with icon | Displays text label and icon for phone or intercom line, |
| numbers, or services, depending on your configuration. |
3 | Primary line details and | Displays line label and call details for the primary line, and other |
| other phone information | phone information such as placed calls, speed dials, and phone |
| menu listings. |
4 | Secondary line details and | Displays line label and call details for the secondary line, and other |
| other phone information | phone information such as placed calls, speed dials, and phone |
| menu listings. |
5 | Softkey labels | Display softkeys for available features or actions. |
If the phone is placed on a table or desk, the footstand can be connected to the back of your phone for a higher or lower viewing angle, depending on your preference.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6941, and 6961 User Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.1 (SCCP) | 15 |