Frequently asked questions
How far away from | The operating range is typically up to 30 feet |
my phone will the | (10 metres). |
headset work? |
Will the headset | The headset is not designed for use with |
work with my | cordless phones. |
cordless phone at |
home? |
Will the headset | The headset will work with devices that are |
work with laptops, | compliant with Bluetooth version 1.1 or |
PCs, and PDAs? | higher and support the Headset and/or |
| |
Will anything | Appliances such as cordless phones and |
cause interference | wireless networking equipment may cause |
with my | interference with your conversation. To |
conversation when | reduce any interference, keep the headset |
I’m using the | away from other devices that use or produce |
headset? | radio waves. |