To switch between your stan- dard and alternate greeting by phone
aAccess your mailbox by phone (see inside front cover).
bEnter 7 4 5 to switch to your other greeting (standard or alternate).
To rerecord your standard, alternate, or busy greeting by phone
aAccess your mailbox by phone (see inside front cover).
bTo rerecord your:
•standard greeting, enter 7 4 6 1.
•alternate greeting, enter 7 4 7 1.
•busy greeting, enter 7 4 8 1.
cEnter Q to stop recording.
To activate your busy greeting by phone
aAccess your mailbox by phone (see inside front cover).
bEnter 7 4 8 to hear your busy greet- ing.
cFollow the system instructions to activate your busy greeting. Enter 1 for Yes, 2 for No.