Aastra Telecom 480I manual Customizing Your Phone, Setting Your Options, Aastra Web UI

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Customizing Your Phone

Customizing Your Phone

Setting Your Options

Pressing the %key gives you a list of configuration options. You can also change these options in your phone through the Aastra Web UI. Refer to the Aastra

480i Installation Guide for information on less advanced configuration options.

Note: Some options should only be set up or changed by a network or system administrator. Please contact your system or network administrator before adjusting any administrator level options. For more information on these options, administrators should refer to the Aastra SIP 480i/480i

CT/9112i/9133i IP Phone

Administration Guide.

Aastra Web UI

You can access specific configuration options on the 480i phone using the Aastra Web UI.

In order to access the Aastra Web UI, you will need to know the IP address of your phone.

1.Press￿￿￿￿%￿￿￿to￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿enter the Options List.s￿￿￿￿

2.Use to scroll down the list of options to Phone Status and press the Show softkey.￿￿￿￿Finding Your Phone’s IP Address

3. Use￿￿￿￿s￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿to scroll￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿to Network

Status and press the Show softkey.


4. Press￿￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿IP Addr￿￿￿￿softkey.￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

5. You will now see your phone’s

IP Address￿￿￿￿￿￿￿. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿


480i IP Phone User Guide 5

Image 11
Contents 480i SIP IP Phone Page Software License Agreement Page Table of Contents ContentsPage Introduction About this GuideAbout this Guide Documentation Introduction Installation and SetupUpdating Your Phone When You First Plug Your PhoneGetting Started Getting StartedFrom the IP Phone From the Aastra Web UI Click on Operation-ResetNetwork Disconnected Restarting Your PhoneAastra Web UI Setting Your OptionsCustomizing Your Phone Customizing Your PhoneOperation Accessing the Aastra Web UIStatus Multiple Line and Call Appearances Using the 480i PhoneUsing the 480i Phone Hard keysCustomized Softkeys SoftkeysIdle State Line/Call Appearance Lights Softkeys as Line/Call AppearancesSoftkeys as Customized Do not Disturb Softkeys as Customized SpeeddialsSoftkeys as Customized Busy Lamp Field BLF Softkeys as Customized BLF List Connected StateDialing a Number Live Making CallsMaking Calls Redial Using a HeadsetTo Make and Receive Calls Using a Headset Advanced Volume Controls for the Headset MicAnswering an Incoming Call Receiving CallsTransferring a Call Handling CallsPlacing a Call on Hold Conferencing Calls HandlingCalls Additional Features Additional FeaturesFrom the IP phone UI Select Custom FeaturesUsing the Callers List Callers ListClick on Operation-Directory Missed Calls IndicatorAccessing and Clearing Missed Calls Directory ListDirectory List Limitations Using the Directory ListServer to IP Phone Download Directory List LimitationsVoicemail Using VoicemailCall Forwarding Setting Call ForwardingFor Global Call Forward Settings Call ForwardingSelect English, French, or Span- ish Setting LanguageLanguage LanguageTroubleshooting TroubleshootingHow do I restart the IP phone? How do I change my User Password?Why does my phone display the No Service message? Why does my phone display Bad Encrypted Config?After Warranty Service Limited WarrantyLimited Warranty Warranty Repair ServicesLimited Warranty Page Index Index Aastra Telecom Inc.2005
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