Aastra Telecom 480I manual Handling, Conferencing Calls

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4.If you do not wish to transfer

the call, place the handset back on hook or press the bbutton. To go back to the original call, press the line/call appearance button for the held call.

5.To complete the transfer,

you can press the

.button again.

Conferencing Calls

The 480i phone supports up to three parties (including yourself) in a conference call. This is also known as a 3 Way call.

To create a conference call:

1.Connect to the first party you wish to include in the conference (if not￿￿￿already￿￿￿￿￿connected)￿￿￿￿￿￿￿.

2.Press the =button.

3.Dial￿￿￿￿￿the￿number￿￿￿￿of the person you￿￿￿￿wish to add to the conference.

4.Wait for the new party to answer. You can consult with the new party first before adding them to the conference.

5.If you do not wish to add the

new party to the conference, press the bbutton while connected to this new call. This disconnects the new party, leaving the original call on hold.

To go back to the original call, press￿￿the￿￿line/call￿￿￿￿￿￿￿appearance￿￿￿￿￿

button for ￿￿this￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿call.

6.If you wish￿￿to add the new party￿to the￿conference, press the =￿ button again.￿￿￿￿

7.To drop a party from the conference,￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿use the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿navigational keys to navigate to the desired

party’s call appearance screen or press￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿Next and Previous softkeys￿ (if visible), and then press the Drop softkey.

Note: If you disconnect from the conference, the other two parties will also disconnect.


16480i IP Phone User Guide

Image 22
Contents 480i SIP IP Phone Page Software License Agreement Page Contents Table of ContentsPage Documentation About this GuideAbout this Guide IntroductionInstallation and Setup IntroductionGetting Started When You First Plug Your PhoneGetting Started Updating Your PhoneRestarting Your Phone From the Aastra Web UI Click on Operation-ResetNetwork Disconnected From the IP PhoneCustomizing Your Phone Setting Your OptionsCustomizing Your Phone Aastra Web UIStatus Accessing the Aastra Web UIOperation Hard keys Using the 480i PhoneUsing the 480i Phone Multiple Line and Call AppearancesIdle State SoftkeysCustomized Softkeys Softkeys as Line/Call Appearances Line/Call Appearance LightsSoftkeys as Customized Busy Lamp Field BLF Softkeys as Customized SpeeddialsSoftkeys as Customized Do not Disturb Connected State Softkeys as Customized BLF ListMaking Calls Making CallsDialing a Number Live Advanced Volume Controls for the Headset Mic Using a Headset To Make and Receive Calls Using a Headset RedialReceiving Calls Answering an Incoming CallPlacing a Call on Hold Handling CallsTransferring a Call Calls HandlingConferencing Calls Additional Features Additional FeaturesCallers List Select Custom FeaturesUsing the Callers List From the IP phone UIDirectory List Missed Calls IndicatorAccessing and Clearing Missed Calls Click on Operation-DirectoryDirectory List Limitations Using the Directory ListServer to IP Phone Download Directory List LimitationsUsing Voicemail VoicemailCall Forwarding Setting Call ForwardingFor Global Call Forward Settings Call ForwardingLanguage Setting LanguageLanguage Select English, French, or Span- ishTroubleshooting TroubleshootingWhy does my phone display Bad Encrypted Config? How do I change my User Password?Why does my phone display the No Service message? How do I restart the IP phone?Warranty Repair Services Limited WarrantyLimited Warranty After Warranty ServiceLimited Warranty Page Index Index Aastra Telecom Inc.2005
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