Microphone Tone Selection
Before setting up the speech processor, set the selector switch on the rear of the
RF Speech Processor
Once the proper MIC control setting has been deter- mined, you can activate the RF speech processor to in- crease the average power of your transmitted signal.
rFirst set the METER selector to the “ALC” (Auto- matic Level Control) position, and ensure the level is within the red zone while speaking into the mi- crophone.
rNext set the METER selector to the
“COMP”(speech processor compression) position, and press the [PROC] button (at
the left end of the row of buttons along the bottom) so that its red LED lights.
r Now while speaking into the micro- phone, adjust the PROC control for
a compression level of 5 to 10 dB on the COMP scale of the meter (the second scale from the bottom). If you have the monitor activated,
you will be able to hear the effect of the compres- sion on your signal. In any case, we do not recom- mend higher compression settings, as your signal will actually become less readable. For the purposes of making accurate adjustments, the long utterance of the word “Four” usually provides a stable, full voice waveform, ideal for setup of the RF speech pro- cessor.
rFinally, move the METER selector back to the “PO” position, and (without touching the MIC control set- ting) adjust the RF PWR control for the desired power output on voice peaks.
Class-A Operation
A unique feature of the
Ayields an
Because Class A involves a total current dissipa- tion much greater than utilized for Class AB, to which you’re probably accustomed, maximum power output during Class A is limited to 75 Watts as indicated on the PO meter.
To enable this feature, press the orange
to the left of the Main Tun- ing dial) while operating ei-
ther in USB or LSB. During
Although the full advantage of
Carrier Point Offset
This feature allows shifting the carrier point IF pass- band (and hence the RF passband as well) of your transmitted signal in the SSB mode, to customize your signal for your own voice characteristics.
Seven individual carrier settings can be
USB Carrier (Tx & Rx) - adjustable from
LSB Carrier (Tx & Rx) - adjustable from
Processor Carrier (USB & LSB) - adjustable from
AM Carrier - adjustable ±3000 Hz.
To display and adjust the various carrier settings, see menu selection
Of course, you can adjust the offset by
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