Electronic Keyer Operation
The keyer is set at the factory for iambic keying, in which one keyer paddle produces dots, and the other dashes. Squeezing both produces alternating dits and dahs. Menu selection
Iambic 1 - Iambic keyer with ACS
Iambic 2 - Iambic keyer with ACS enabled. Weight- ing is set via menu selections
BUG - Emulates mechanical “bug” keyer (one paddle produces dits and the other is used to produce dahs manually (like a straight key)).
Once the transceiver has been set up for CW trans- mission as just described, you can activate the keyer with the [KEYER] pushbutton near the lower right corner of the front panel (its red LED should light). Now squeeze the paddles, and adjust the SPEED control for the de- sired sending speed (if you are using the bug simulator mode, don’t squeeze both paddles; just press the “dot” paddle).
If the dot:space and/or dash:space weighting are not to your preference, see menu selections
You can use the keyer for both semi and full break- in keying, as described in the previous section.
ACS (Auto Character Spacing)
This feature improves your CW sending quality by ensuring the
ACS works on the principle that the spacing be- tween characters should be 3x the duration of the “dot.” If you utilize the standard 3:1 dash:dot ratio, this also happens to be the same duration of a “dash.” Main- taining this
ACS is activated when keyer mode “Iambic 2” is selected from menu function
CW Straight Key and Paddle Connections
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