Menu Selection and Settings
8-6 uSEr-SEt
User Setting - This configures an operating “envi- ronment” selected by pressing and holding in the front- panel [PKT] button. Operating parameters are selected using the Sub VFO knob, while the options are chosen with the Main VFO knob.
Mode - This selects to which mode the custom set- tings are applied. Choose LSB, USB, CW (normal/ reverse), RTTY (normal/reverse), or packet (LSB only).
Display Offset - You can choose a custom offset ±5.000 kHz (in
Rx PLL Offset - You can offset the receiver PLL frequency ±5.000 kHz (in
Rx Carrier - This is used to adjust the receive car- rier injection frequency between 450 ~ 460 kHz. The default injection frequency is dependent upon op- erating mode.
Tx PLL Offset - You can offset the transmitter PLL frequency ±5.000 kHz (in
Tx Carrier - This is used to adjust the transmit car- rier injection frequency between 450.000 ~ 453.700 kHz or 456.300 ~ 460.000 kHz (PKT), 456.300 ~ 460.000 kHz (LSB), 450.000 ~ 453.700 kHz (USB), or between 450.000 ~ 460.000 kHz (all others). The default injection frequency is dependent upon the operating mode.
RTTY Offset (shift) - For operators who desire to use a
Easy Set - If you enjoy operating FAX, SSTV, or
8-7 Sub-AGc
SUB VFO Receiver AGC - Selects automatic, slow, or fast AGC recovery time for the Sub receiver.
8-8 tunEr
Antenna Tuner - Enables or disables the internal automatic antenna tuner unit for operation.
8-9 cAr oFSt
Carrier Point Offset - This allows shifting the car- rier point (IF passband) on both Tx and Rx to tailor the received audio response, as well as your transmitted voice audio. This can be used to customize your signal for your own voice characteristics. Seven individual carrier settings are selected with the Sub VFO dial, while offsets are adjusted (in
Rx LSB Carrier - Adjusts the receiver carrier point for LSB throughout the range of
Tx LSB Carrier - Adjusts the transmitter carrier point for LSB throughout the range of
Processor LSB - Adjusts the speech processor car- rier point for LSB throughout the range of
Rx USB Carrier - Adjusts the receiver carrier point for USB throughout the range of
Tx USB Carrier - Adjusts the transmitter carrier point for USB throughout the range of
Processor USB - Adjusts the speech processor carrier point for USB throughout the range of
Tx AM Carrier - Adjusts the transmitter carrier point for AM throughout the range of ±3000 Hz.
Note: See the table on the next page for a com- plete list of filter offsets according to mode, and cus- tom frequency and display offsets.
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