Tuning is accomplished in several ways, with each method having its own advantages; they are:
¦Main & Sub VFO Knob Tuning
¦Shuttle Jog Tuning
¦Panel & Microphone Down/Up keys
¦VFO Channel Stepping
VFO Knob
Rotating the Main
the available tuning step sizes and their default set- tings.
| Control | Tuning Steps | Default Step |
| MAIN | 0.625/1.25/2.5/ | 10 Hz |
| SUB | 5/10/20 Hz |
| |
| ||
| Shuttle Jog | 13 preset | – |
| DOWN(q)/UP(p) | Normal | 100 kHz |
| Pushbuttons | w/[FAST] knob | 1 MHz |
| VRF/MEM CH | Normal | 10 kHz |
| CH. Stepping |
| |
| |
| CLAR | 0.625/1.25/2.5/ | 10 Hz |
| (Clarifier) | 5/10/20 Hz |
| |
| ||
Shuttle Jog
The Shuttle Jog ring is more efficient for large fre- quency excursions, or whenever QSY requires spin- ning the VFO knob a lot, while still providing positive control with a comfortable feel.
R o t a t i n g t h e Shuttle Jog away
from the center de-
tent in either direction
starts constant tun-
ing. The farther the
S h u t t l e J o g i s
moved from center,
the larger the pro-
gressive frequency
steps (and QSY).
There are 13 preset
frequency steps incrementing through the arc of the Shuttle Jog (from 10 Hz ~ 100 kHz). The Shuttle Jog speed (encoder rate) is also configurable from 1 ~ 100 msec. via menu selection
Recall that the step size varies as the Shuttle Jog is turned, while the encoder rate is fixed. The effect of tuning faster as the Shuttle Jog is rotated actually comes from jumping to progressively larger tuning in- crements, as encoder rate remains constant.
For faster dial tuning rates with either the VFO knob or mic UP/DOWN buttons, press the [FAST] button below and to the left of the Main VFO knob (“FAST” appears). This selects the VFO speed, which can be switched between 4x (default) and 2x in menu selection
| Default | ΔF for 1 revolution of VFO knob |
| |||||
| ||
| Tuning | (X2) Encoder Rate | (X4) Encoder Rate |
| ||||
| Step | Normal | FAST | Normal | FAST |
| ||
| |||||
| 0.625 Hz | 312 | Hz | 3.12 kHz | 625 Hz | 6.25 kHz |
| |
| 1.25 | Hz | 625 | Hz | 6.25 kHz | 1.25 kHz | 12.5 kHz |
| 2.5 | Hz | 1.25 | Hz | 12.5 kHz | 2.5 kHz | 25 kHz |
| ||
| 5 Hz | 2.5 Hz | 25 kHz | 5 kHz | 50 kHz |
| ||
| 10 | Hz | 5 | Hz | 50 kHz | 10 kHz | 100 kHz |
| 20 | Hz | 10 | Hz | 100 kHz | 20 kHz | 200 kHz |
FAST Button Operation
By default, the front panel [FAST] button is a press- on,
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