Elta 4569 manual Troubleshooting, Technical Specifications, Problem Reason, Solution

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If a fault occurs, first check the points listed below before taking the unit for repair. If you are unable to solve a problem by following these tips, consult your dealer or authorized service center.

WARNING: Never open the device. Always refer service or maintenance to authorized customer service personnel.



No Sound

Volume is set too low.


Mains power supply is not



Key malfunction

Electrostatic charge.

Poor reception

Weak signal.


Interference from other


electric appliances


(TV, VCR, Computer, etc.).


Adjust the volume.

Connect the power cord to the wall outlet.

Turn the unit off and then back on.

Alternatively, turn off the unit, disconnect the AC power cord and the back-up battery and then re-connect it.

Adjust the antenna. Keep distance to other electrical appliances.

Technical Specifications

Mains power supply:

Back-up for current time, settings: Frequency range:



Subject to changes without prior notice.

AC 230V~50Hz

DC 9V block battery (F22 / E-Block) FM 87.5MHz – 108MHz

AM 525kHz – 1615kHz approx.140 x 150 x 60 mm approx.570 g (without battery)


Image 15
Contents 4569 Modell Uhrenradio mit USB-Anschluss SicherheitsbestimmungenWeitere Informationen Batterien fachgerecht entsorgen SicherheitshinweiseHitze und Wärme Feuchtigkeit und ReinigungBatterien Aufstellort des GerätesStapeln NetzanschlussSnooze Tastenbelegung und FunktionenAllgemeine Bedienungshinweise AnschlüsseEinschlafen mit Musik Wiedergabe über USB PortWecken mit Radio oder Summer SchlummerfunktionProblem Mögliche Ursache Lösungsvorschlag StörungserkennungTechnische Spezifikationen Further Information Model Alarm Clock Radio with USB PortSafety Instructions Important advice regarding hearing protectionMoisture and cleaning Heat and warmthProfessional recycling Stacking InstallationMains Power Supply Battery Safety PrecautionsLocation of Controls Basic Operation ConnectionsSleep to Radio and Wake to Radio or Buzzer Wake to Radio or BuzzerSnooze Function Sleep to RadioSolution TroubleshootingTechnical Specifications Problem ReasonConseil important pour la protection de l’ouïe Modele Radio réveil avec port USBMesures DE Securite Plus D’INFORMATIONSRecyclage professionnel Mesures DE SécuritéLa chaleur et sources de chaleur Humidité et nettoyageEmpilement Alimentation secteurPrécautions de Sécurité de la pile Emplacement des commandes Fonctionnement de base Connexions’endormir avec la radio Lecture via le port USBSe réveiller avec la radio ou avec le Buzzer Fonction SnoozeGuide de dépannage Spécifications techniquesProblème Cause Környezetvédelmi tanácsok Modell Rádiós ébresztőóra USB porttal Biztonsági ElőírásokKiegészítő Információk VigyázatElőírásos hulladék-elhelyezés Biztonsági ElőírásokMeleg és forróság Nedvesség és tisztításAz elemekkel kapcsolatos óvintézkedések Üzembe helyezésElhelyezés Hálózati csatlakozásKezelőszervek elhelyezkedése Készülék használata CsatlakoztatásokElalvás rádió mellett Lejátszás az USB-porton keresztülRádiós vagy csengőjelzéses ébresztés Ébresztésismétlés üzemmódHibaelhárítás Műszaki jellemzőkProbléma Indok Megoldás Informazioni Aggiuntive ModelloRadio sveglia con porta USB Istruzioni DI SicurezzaRiscaldamento e calore Umidità e puliziaRiciclaggio professionale Precauzioni di sicurezza per la batteria InstallazioneCircuito d’attesa AlimentazioneMIN Posizione dei comandiFunzioni base ConnessioniSveglia con radio o suoneria Funzione SnoozeDa silenzioso a radio Problemi e soluzioni Problema Causa SoluzioneSpecifiche tecniche Información Adicional ¡PeligroIndicaciones sobre el medio ambiente Reciclaje profesional Instrucciones DE SeguridadCalor Humedad y limpiezaPrecauciones de seguridad de la pila InstalaciónUbicación Fuente de voltajeLocalización de los controles Funcionamiento básico ConexionesIr a dormir con la Radio Función Repetición de alarmaReproducción vía Puerto USB Levantarse con la radio o con el zumbidoGuía solucionador de problemas Problema Razón SoluciónEspecificaciones Técnicas Conselhos para protecção do ambiente Mais InformaçõesImportantes avisos para a protecção dos ouvidos Cuidado AtençãoInstruções DE Segurança Humidade e LimpezaReciclagem Profissional Precauções de Segurança das Pilhas InstalaçãoInstalação em pilha Fonte de alimentaçãoLocalização dos Controlos Funcionamento Básico LigaçõesDormir com Rádio Reprodução através da porta USBAcordar com Rádio ou Buzzer Função SnoozeResolução DE Problemas Problema Razão SoluçãoEspecificações Técnicas Informacje dotyczące ochrony słuchu Uwaga Model Radiobudzik z portem USBŚrodki Ostrożności Dalsze InforamcjeCiepło Wilgoć oraz czyszczeniePozbywanie się baterii Baterie- środki ostrożności InstalacjaPrzechowywanie w pozycji pionowej Zasilanie sieciLokalizacja kontrolek Podstawowe działanie PołączeniaFunkcja sen przy radiu Odtwarzanie przez port USBBudzenie za pomocą sygnału lub radia Funkcja drzemkiRozwiązywanie problemów Problem Przyczyna RozwiązanieSpecyfikacje techniczne Belangrijk advies omtrent het gehoor Opgelet Model Wekkerradio met USB-poortVeligheidsmaatregelen Bijkomende InformatieHitte en warmte Vocht en reinigingProfessionele recycling Voorzorgsmaatregels m.b.t. batterijen InstallerenOpstapelen StroomnetwerkaansluitingLokatie van Bedieningen Basisbediening AansluitingenSlaap vallen met de radio en wekfunctie met radio of buzzer Wekfunctie met radio of buzzerSnoozefunctie Slaap vallen met de radioOplossing ProbleemoplossingTechnische specificaties Probleem RedenDůležitá rada týkající se ochrany sluchu Upozornění Model 4569 Rádiobudík s USB portemBezpeènostní Pokyny Doplňující InformaceSběr odpadu Bezpečnostní PokynyTeplo a horko Vlhkost a čištěníBezpečnostní opatření týkající se baterie InstalaceUkládání na sebe Napájení ze sítěUmístění ovládacích tlačítek Základní ovládání PřipojeníAutomatické vypnutí a zapnutí rádia nebo budíku Buzení rádiem nebo bzučákemFunkce Snooze Opakované buzení Automatické vypnutí rádia SleepProblém Příčina Řešení Řešení problémůDikkat Modell USB Girişli Radyolu Çalar Saat Güvenlik TalimatlarıHarİcİ Bİlgİler Kulak zarınızı korumak için önemli uyarılar UyarıUygun biçimde arıtma Güvenlİk TalİmatlariSıcaklık ve ısı Rutubet ve temizlikPil Emniyet Kuralları KurulumKonumlama Ana Güç KaynağıDüğmelerin Yerleri Temel Çalıştırma İşlemleri BağlantılarRadyo veya Zil ile Uyanma Uykuya Devam ÖzelliğiRadyo ile Uyuma Sebep Çözüm Sorun GİdermeTeknik Özellikler SorunRecomandare importanta pentru protectia auditiva Atentie Model Radio cu Alarma de Trezire si Port USBInstructiuni DE Siguranta Informatii SuplimentareSupraincalzire si incalzire Umezeala si curatareReciclare profesionala Masuri de Siguranta pentru Baterii InstalareaInaltare Cablul de alimentarePozitia Tastelor de Control Functionare Standard ConexiuniTrezirea cu Radio sau Buzzer Functiunea AtipireRadio la Culcare Motiv ProblemaDepanare Specificaţii tehniceПредупреждение Модел Будилник Радио с „USB вход Упътване за безопастностДопълнителна Информация Важен съвет отнасящ се до защита на слуха ПредупреждениеГорещина и топлина Влага и почистванеПрофесионално рециклиране Предпазни мерки за батериите ИнсталиранеПоложение Захранване от електрическата мрежаРазположение на контролните бутони Основни функции СвързванеВъзпроизвеждане през „USB-входа Функция „ДрямкаФункция „Заспиване при работа радиото Отстраняване НА Проблеми Технически характеристикиПроблем Причина Решение Инструкции по защите окружающей среды Дальнейшая ИнформацияВажные рекомендации относительно защиты слуха Внимание ВниманиеПрофессиональная переработка Указания ПО Технике БезопасностиТепло и влажность Влага и очисткаУстановка ЭлектропитаниеМеры предосторожности при обращении с батарейками Расположение кнопок Основные операции ПодключенияАвтоматическое выключение радио Воспроизведение через USB портПробуждение от радио или звонка будильника Функция повторного сигнала будильникаУстранение неисправностей Техническая спецификацияПроблема Причина

4569 specifications

The Elta 4569 is a sophisticated radar system designed primarily for surface surveillance, showcasing advanced technology that enhances its efficiency and reliability. Housed within a compact and versatile design, the 4569 radar is tailored for maritime and land applications, providing critical situational awareness in various environments.

One of the main features of the Elta 4569 is its multi-mode capability, which allows it to operate effectively in different scenarios. Its primary operation modes include air traffic surveillance, maritime traffic monitoring, and target acquisition. This flexibility is complemented by its ability to perform in various atmospheric conditions, ensuring that it remains functional and reliable in adverse weather.

The Elta 4569 employs synthetic aperture radar technology, which significantly enhances its imaging capabilities. This technology enables the radar to generate high-resolution imagery of the observed area, offering operators detailed information regarding the size, shape, and speed of targets. Such clarity is invaluable for comprehensive threat assessment and timely decision-making.

Another characteristic of the Elta 4569 is its advanced signal processing algorithms. These algorithms enable the radar to filter out noise and improve target detection accuracy. This precision feature is particularly crucial in crowded environments where multiple objects may be present, ensuring that key targets are identified and tracked without interference.

The radar system is designed with a high degree of modularity, allowing for easy integration with existing platforms. This adaptability ensures that the Elta 4569 can be seamlessly incorporated into various operational frameworks, enhancing overall system capabilities without requiring extensive modifications.

In addition to its technological advancements, the Elta 4569 is built for resilience and durability. With a robust construction, it can withstand harsh operational conditions, making it suitable for deployment in diverse environments, from coastal surveillance to inland monitoring.

Overall, the Elta 4569 radar system represents a significant advancement in surface surveillance technology, combining versatility, precision, and robust design. Its ability to provide real-time situational awareness, coupled with state-of-the-art features, makes it an invaluable tool for military, defense, and security operations worldwide.