Hamilton Electronics EPHUM011 manual Product calibration Restore standard calibration

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pH ARC Sensors Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manual (EPHUM011) calibration: Restore standard calibration

If a product calibration is active this product calibration can be temporarily switched off by writing the command 0x03 to register 5340.

Performing this action the values of the product calibration remain stored in the sensor’s memory.

Command: CP6: Restore standard

Modbus address: 5340

Length: 2

Type: 16


























Figure Example to restore a standard calibration from an active product calibration. Writing command 0x03 (restore standard calibration) to register 5340.

From now on the sensor is measuring using its prior CP1 / CP2 standard calibration.

The sensor’s calibration status (register 5318) will be reading “CP6 assigned”(0x10000000) meaning that a valid assignment for a product calibration is available in the sensor’s memory (see figure calibration: Restore product calibration

If a valid but inactivated product calibration is available in the sensors memory, the calibration status is reading “CP6 assigned”(corresponding to 0x10000000, see figure, this stored product calibration can be restored or reactivated by writing command 0x04 to register 5340.

Command: CP6: Restore product

Modbus address: 5340

Length: 2

Type: 16


























Figure Example to restore an available product calibration from an active standard calibration. Writing command 0x04 (restore product calibration) to register 5340.

From now on the sensor is measuring using its prior CP6 product calibration.

The sensors calibration status (register 5318) will be reading 0x14000000 (corresponding to “CP6 assigned”and “CP6 active”, see figure again.

If this command is performed without available product calibration in the sensor’s memory the sensor will respond with a Modbus exception since this command is not valid.


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Contents PH ARC Sensors Important Notice Sensor Identification and Information Configuration of the Serial RS485 InterfaceConfiguration of the Analog Interfaces Configuration of the MeasurementVisiferm do Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manualp/n 624179/01 IntroductionEPHUM011 0x03 Operator levels and PasswordsReading / Setting Operator Level General0x0B 18111978 Changing Passwords for Operator Level0x30 0x0C 18111978Reading the Device Address Limits Configuration of the serial RS485 InterfaceDevice Address Reading and Writing the Device AddressReading and Writing the Baud Rate Baud RateReading the Baud Rate Limits 0x07 Configuration of the Analog InterfacesAvailable Analog Interfaces Available Analog Interface ModesMA interface #2 Selection of an Analog Interface ModeDescription of the Analog Interfaces 1 MA interface #10x21 Configuration of the 4-20 mA Interface0x01 PH ARC Sensors Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manual EPHUM011 0x001000 Reading the Selected Physical Unit for Analog InterfaceDefining the Measurement Values for 4, 12 and 20 mA Output PH ARC sensor 4-20mA inte rface linear Defining a Constant Current Output for Testing 0x010001 99186 99742 Reading the Internally Measured Output CurrentDefinition of Measurement Channels and Physical Units MeasurementSpecial 0x201000 Primary Measurement Channel 1 pHDescription of PMC1 Selecting the Physical Unit for PMC10x1000 02503 0x00 Reading the measurement value of PMC10x200000 175.9922 0x00 954.6541 0x06 Primary Measurement Channel 6 TemperatureDescription of PMC6 Selecting the Physical Unit for PMC60x04 24.35834 0x00 130 Input of an Externally Measured TemperatureDefinition of the Measurement Status for PMC1 / PMC6 Reading the measurement value of PMC6Description of SMC Secondary Measurement Channels0x8000 247.56 Reading the measurement value of SMCAvailable Parameters Configuration of the MeasurementEffect of Moving Average n=1 vs n=16 2 PA9 Moving AverageSelecting the Physical Unit and Writing the Value for PA9 Description of PA9 Moving AverageReading all Values for PA9 Description of PA12 Moving Average R 3 PA12 Moving Average RSelecting the Physical Unit and Writing the Value for PA12 Reading all Values for PA12 Available Calibration Points CalibrationCP2 Definitions of Calibration PointsCalibration Points 1 and 2 Standard Calibration CP1CP6 Calibration Point 6 Product CalibrationCalibration at CP1 and CP2 Standard Calibration Calibration ProcedurePH ARC Sensors Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manual EPHUM011 Choose one of the calibration points CP1 or CP2 0x00000000 0x00001000 Calibration at CP6 Product Calibration 100200 Product calibration Initial measurement Definition of the commands for product calibrationProduct calibration Assignment Product calibration CancelProduct calibration Restore product calibration Product calibration Restore standard calibrationReading the Calibration Status of CP1 and CP2 Reading the Calibration Status0x00000180 0x00001000 0x00000080 0x00001000Reading the Calibration Status of CP6 Product Calibration 0x14000000 0x00001000 0x01000000 0x000010000x08000000 0x00001000 0x0A000000 0x000010000x10000000 0x00001000 0x00000004 29.93368 379.5167 Currently active Calibration Parameters part0x00000004 24.35184 23.78 0x00000004 24.37691 16.45607782 59.47631 298.15 003401 179.927 297.1378006804 099747 296.6901 10469 298.3302Special Commands for Calibration with Visical 0x0000003F Calibration StandardsAvailable Sets of Calibration Standards LSB 0x00000001 Set180 Definitions for Individual Sets of Calibration Standards0x0FFF0FFF 0x05540FFF 0x02480FFFNist Standard DINMettler Toledo Radiometer Sensor Status Temperature Ranges168.3667 Operating Hours and CountersHistory of Warnings Currently Active WarningsDefinition of Warnings Currently Active Errors ErrorsHistory of Errors Definition of Errors SIP Reading Definition of SIP and CIPCIP 120 130 Reading the Sensor’s Quality IndicatorEPHFI010 Sensor Identification and InformationGeneral Information Sensor Identification0001001 Free User Memory SpaceFreeuserspace 732255 System CommandsRecall Sensor’s Factory Settings Hello WorldPH ARC Sensors Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manual EPHUM011