pH ARC Sensors Modbus RTU Programmer’s Manual (EPHUM011)
Command: Calibration status CP1 | Modbus address: 5158 | Length: 6 | Type: 3 | Read | ||
Parameter: | Status | Unit | Value |
Format: | Hex | Hex | Float |
Value: | 0x00000080 | 0x00001000 | 4.01 |
Figure Example to read the calibration status of CP1 after calibration CP1 at 0 = auto. The status message is: “CP1 pH reading during calibration is not stable”(0x00000080). The physical unit of the last successful calibration is pH (0x00001000) and the last successful calibration has been performed at pH 4.01.
Command: Calibration status CP2 | Modbus address: 5190 | Length: 6 | Type: 3 | Read | ||
Parameter: | Status | Unit | Value |
Format: | Hex | Hex | Float |
Value: | 0x00000080 | 0x00001000 | 7 |
Figure Example to read the calibration status of CP2 after calibrating CP2 at 0 = auto. All bits of CP2 are zero (0x00000080), indicating that the calibration was successful. The physical unit of the last calibration is pH (0x00001000) and the last successful calibration has been performed at pH 7.
Command: Calibration status CP2 | Modbus address: 5190 | Length: 6 | Type: 3 | Read | ||
Parameter: | Status | Unit | Value |
Format: | Hex | Hex | Float |
Value: | 0x00000180 | 0x00001000 | 7 |
Figure Example to read the calibration status of CP2 after attempt to calibrate CP2 at pH 4.01, which is the same as CP1. The value is 0x00000180 = 0x00000080 + 0x00000100. Shown is still 0x00000080 of CP1 and new 0x00000100 of CP2, which says: “CP2 space to CP1 < pH 1.0”. the Calibration Status of CP6 (Product Calibration)
The calibration status and the current state of the product calibration process (CP6) is read in the calibration status register for CP6 (register 5318).
Start | Number of | Reg1 / Reg2 | Reg3 / Reg4 | Reg5 / Reg6 | Modbus | Read | Write |
register | registers |
| function | access | access |
| code |
5318 | 6 | Status CP6 | Physical unit of | pH value of the | 3, 4 | U/A/S | none |
| (see figure | the last | last successful |
| | successful | calibration CP6 |
| calibration CP6 |
| (always pH) |
Figure Definition of register 5318 for CP6. For examples, see following chapters.
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