Protects the motor if it overloads during
operation, provides a way to restart the
PUSH STICK- Used to push workpieces when performing ripping operations.
PUSH BLOCK- Used for ripping operation when the workpiece is too narrow to use a push stick. Always use a push block for rip widths less than 2 in.
RESAWING - Flipping material to make a cut the saw is not capable of making in one pass.
Resawing IS NOT recommended.
-The number of turns completed by a spinning object in one minute.
RiP FENCE - A guide used for rip cutting which allows the workpiece to cut straight.
RiPPiNG - Cutting with the grain of the wood or along the length of the workpiece.
RiViNG KNIFE - A metal piece of the guard assembly located behind and moves with the blade. Slightly thinner than the saw blade, it helps keep the kerf open and prevents kickback.
SAW BLADE PATH - The area of the workpiece or table top directly in line with the travel of the blade or the part of the workpiece that will be cut.
SET - The distance between two saw blade tips, bent outward in opposite directions to each other. The further apart the tips are, the greater the set.
TABLE INSERT - Insert that is removed from the table to install/ remove blades. It is also removed for dado cutting. When dado cutting, a dado insert plate must be used.
THROUGH SAWING - Making a cut completely through the length or width of a workpiece.
WORKPIECE - Material to be cut.
Saw blade path
Trailing edge
NOTE: Blade guard assembly is removed
for purposes of illustration only.