Sears 137.28463 operating instructions Blade Guard Assembly, Additional Blade, Adjustments Fig. Y

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oThebladebodymustbethinnerthan thethicknessoftherivingknifebut thebladekerfmustbethickerthan


7.Checktherivingknifeandblade alignmentagainatboth0°and45°.

8.Replacethetableinsert,bladeguard andanti-kickbackpawlassembly.

Fig. X

If the blade is partial to left side:

1.Turn the right adjustment screw (3) counterclockwise and adjust the left side adjustment screw (2) clockwise.

2.Remeasure, as described in steps 4 to 9 in the prior section.

3.When alignment is achieved, turn the right adjustment screw (3) until it touches the pivot rod (4).

Fig. Y




To avoid possible injury and damage to the workpiece, be sure to INSTALL THE BLADE WITH THE TEETH POINTING TOWARD THE FRONT OF TABLE in the direction of the rotation arrow on the blade guard.



NOTE: The adjusting mechanism is located above the blade height adjusting hand wheel under the tabletop. If the front and rear measurements are not the same.

If the blade is partial to right side:

1.Turn the left adjustment screw (2) counterclockwise and adjust the right side adjustment screw (3) clockwise.

2.Remeasure, as described in steps 4 to 9 in the prior section.

3.When alignment is achieved, turn the left adjustment screw (2) until it touches the pivot rod (4).


To avoid injury from an accidental start, make sure the switch is in the OFF position and the plug is disconnected from the power source outlet.

oWhen installing the blade guard, cover the blade teeth with a piece

of folded cardboard to protect yourself from possible injury.

oNever operate this machine without the blade guard in place for all through sawing operations.

Installing the blade guard and

anti=kickback pawl assembly (Fig. Z, AA, BB)

1.Make sure the blade is elevated to

its maximum height and the bevel is set at 0°. Make sure the bevel lock

handle is tight.

2.Take the anti-kickback pawl assembly (1) and locate the red sliding knob and push the locking knob (2) up. (Fig. Z)

Image 26
Contents Operators Manual Section SAW MotorBlade Size PROHiBiTiON Support and Clamp WorkGeneralsafety iNSTRUCTiONS Wear Proper ApparelSecure Page Alwaysusesawblade Page Kickbacks Immediately Power Supply and Motor SPECiFiCATiONSGrounding iNSTRUCTiONS La, Caution Supplied not Supplied Recommended Accessories308K Dado Insert Plate Stand Obtained and is installed correctlyLoose Parts SAW Description Quantity ACD EFG H KLM STUStand lock hook Page Overload Reset Switch Revolutions PER Minute RPMOrder to Avoid iNJURY Do not release the stand hooksSetting UP the Stand Fig. DInstalling the Blade Guard ANTI-KICKBACK PawlsAssembling the Blade Installing the Power CordStorage Clamps Fig. N ELEVATION/TILT HandwheelInstalling the Rear Table Fig. QRiving Knife Assembly Fig. W Anti=kickback pawl assembly Fig. Z, AA, BB Blade Guard AssemblyAdjustments Fig. Y Additional BladeFig. Z Improper riving knife alignment can Fig. DDRiP Fence Adjustment Fig. FF Adjusting the Miter GaugeAdjusting the Table iNSERT Fig. JJ-1 To prevent personal injury BLADETiLTiNG Scale iNDiCATORPower source when making any adjustments Tilting the Blade ON/OFF Switch Fig. NNBasic SAW Operations Cutting Operations Never USE the TWO AT the Same TimeTurnthesawONandwaitforthe bladetocometofullspeed Ripping Small Pieces Helpful DevicesMake a Push Block Fig. UU Making the base Auxiliary Fence Fig. TTPush Block To prevent serious injury Fig. WW00~45 Miter Angle Compound Miter CrosscuttingMiTERiNG Fig. ZZ Fig. bb NON-THROUGHDADOCUTSFIG. cc, dd Do not use Adjustable or Wobble type dadoesFor your own safety, always replace Mechanism Fig. ee, ff Maintaining Your Table SAW General MaintenanceBlade Raising and Tilting Replacing the Carbon Clean the Blade Tilting Scale IndicatorLUBRiCATiON Action Problem PossibleCauses Corrective Tilting Cut Here To WAR.I.Gi Schematic a 10 iN. Jobsite Table SAW Model NO= 137=284630Table SAW Parts LiST for Motor10 iN, Jobsite Model noParts LiST for Stand 10 IN. Jobsite Table SAWSears Installation Service ServiceOurHome Wv sears,tom