8, Place the pin (includedwith the
wrench) into the lined up holes,Fig, 20 9, Tighten the lock nut clockwisewith
the wrench and then remove the pin from the blades (see Fig. 20), This will allow the blades to turn freely.
10.Carefully turn blades with your hand to be sure they easily turn in opposite directions.
Lock Nut
/powerWARNING:sourceBEFOREToavoidcleaningoraccidents,ALWAYSperforminganydisconnectthemaintenancetool. from the | I |
All parts represent an importantpart of the doubleinsulationsystem and shouldbe serviced only at a Sears Service Center.
Avoidusing solventswhen cleaningplasticpads. Most plasticsare susceptibleto
damage from various types of commercial solventsand may be damaged by their use.
Use clean clothsto remove dirt, carbon dust, etc.
products,penetratingoils,etc.to come in contact with plasticparts.They contain I /_ WARNING: DO NOT at any time let brake fluids,
It is a knownfact that electrictoolsare subjectto acceleratedwear and possible prematurefailure when theyare used to work on fiber glassboats and sportscars, wallboard,specklingcompoundsor plaster.The chips and grindingsfrom these materials are highlyabrasiveto electricaltool parts, such as bearings, brushes, commutators,etc.Consequently,it is not recommendedthat this toolbe used for extendedwork on any fiber glass material, wallboard, spacklingcompound,or piaster. Duringany use on these materials,it is extremelyimportantthat the tool is cleaned frequentlyby blowingwith an air jet.
or face shieldwhen blowingdustfrom toolwhen cleaningit.Ifoperationis dusty,also
•wear/1\ WARs dustmaskNING:. ALWAYS wear safetygogglesor safetyglasseswithside shields I