Hitachi SP18VA instruction manual For use as a Polisher, For use as a Sander

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For use as a Polisher

1.Curved surface as well as plain one is treated for finishing. It is recommended to hold the polisher without pushing on the material, and make the best of its own weight as the excess pressure on the polishing surface will not only bring unsatisfactory result but also put unnecessory load on the motor.

2.Polishing compound or wax are used corresponding to the state of finishing and the maximum polishing effect will be attained when the following method is taken. Polishing with a sander using fine sanding disc.

Polishing with wool bonnet using compound substance final waxing.

First put the compound and wax in small quantity on the surface to be polished, then, give a polish with the wool bonnet.

For use as a Sander

1.This unit is designed to provide sufficient polishing (sanding) power with the disc pressed lightly against the sanding/polishing surface: it is equipped with an electronic control circuit to ensure that the motor will not slow down even when loaded. There is threfore no need to press the sanding disc hard against the surface; doing so can overload the motor, subsequently causing the overload cut device to step into operation by cutting the motor’s power supply. If this should happen, cut the power switch and turn it back on to reset the unit: it will resume rotation at the correct motor speed.

2.Rather than applying the entire disc surface to

the metal surface to be ground, use the sander


by inclining it approximately 15°~25° to grind


with the disc peripheral portion. (Fig. 3).


3. Precaution after use


Do not lay the sander polisher down


immediately after use in a place where there

15° – 25°

are many shavings and much dirt and dust until


it has completely stopped revolving.

Fig. 3


Carefully guard against permitting the cord to touch the wool bonnet or sanding disc during operation. If the cord touches them, there is danger that it may become entangled.


Image 12
Contents Avertissement AdvertenciaPolisseuse/lustruse électronique Contents Table DES MatieresÍndice Important Safety Information Meanings of Signal WordsSafety General Safety RulesEnglish Specific Safety Rules and Symbols Never use a tool which is defective or operating abnormally Do not wipe plastic parts with solventMake Them Available to Other Users Owners of this Tool Double Insulation for Safer Operation Functional Description Name of PartsAssembly and Operation ApplicationsPrior to Operation Electronic Sander Polisher Operation For use as a Polisher For use as a SanderFor use as a Polisher Using the backing pad Fig Using the rubber pad optional accessory FigFor use as a Sander Fig Maintenance and Inspection Cleaning lock pin sectionService and repairs Inspecting the screwsAccessories Standard AccessoriesUse of any accessories other than those mentioned below or DamageInformations Importantes DE Sécurité Signification DES Mots D’AVERTISSEMENTSecurite Regles Generale DE SecuriteConserver CES Instructions Avertissement Lire et coxmprendre toutes les instructionsSécurité personnelle Regles DE Securite Specifiques ET Symboles NE Jamais toucher les parties mobilesManipuler l’outil correctement Garder propres les évents d’air du moteurUtiliser l’outil motorisé à la tension nominale Ne pas essuyer les parties en plastique avec du solvantFrançais Double Isolation Pour UN Fonctionnement Plus SUR Specifications Description FonctionnelleNOM DES Parties Avant L’UTILISATION Source d’alimentationInterrupteur d’alimentation Cordon prolongateurFonctionnement DE LA Polisseuse Ponceuse Électronique Vérification des conditions d’environnementVérifier la tige de verrouillage Fixation de la poignée à boucleUtilisation comme polisseuse Utilisation comme ponceuseAppuyer sur la tige de verrouillage pour Utilisation du plateau en caoutchouc Fig Entretien ET Inspection Inspection des visInspection des balais en carbone Fig Nettoyage de la section de la tige de verrouillageAccessoires Accessoires StandardInformación Importante Sobre Seguridad Significado DE LAS Palabras DE SeñalizaciónSeguridad Normas Generales DE SeguridadGuarde Estas Instrucciones Advertencia Lea y entienda todas las instruccionesEspañol Normas Y Símbolos Específicos DE Seguridad No toque Nunca las piezas móvilesUtilice la herramienta correcta Maneje correctamente la herramienta Maneje con cuidado las herramientas eléctricasNo limpie las partes de plástico con disolvente Español Aislamiento Doble Para Ofrecer UNA Operación MÁS Segura Descripción Funcional NomenclaturaEspecificaciones Montaje Y Operación AplicacionesAntes DE LA Operación Operacíon DE LA PULIDORA/LIJADORA Electrónica Confirme las condiciones del medio ambienteConfirme el pasador de bloqueo Fijación de la empuñadura en anilloPara utilizarla como lijadora PrecauciónUtilización de la almohadilla de caucho Accesorio opcional FigPara utilizarla como lijadora Fig Mantenimiento E Inspección Inspección de los tornillosInspección de la escobillas Fig Limpieza de la sección del pasador de bloqueoAccesorios Accesorios EstándarPage Hitachi Koki Canada Co