14.All 3 voltage angles are measured for Wye and Delta hookups. For 2.5 Element, Vac is measured and Vab & Vbc are calculated. If a voltage phase is missing, the two voltage angles in which it participates are set to zero. A and C phase current angles are measured for all hookups. B phase current angle is measured for Wye and is zero for other hookups. If a voltage phase is missing, its current angle is zero.
5.1.4Modbus Memory Map Data Formats
The date format codes indicated in the Format column of the Modbus memory map are described below:
ASCII: ASCII characters packed 2 per register in high, low order and without any termination characters. For example, "Shark100" would be 4 registers containing 0x5378, 0x6172, 0x6B31, 0x3030.
SINT16 / UINT16:
SINT32 / UINT32:
EPM 6000 |