Baldor mn1854 manual Programmable I/O Connections, Optional Opto I/O Connections

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Programmable I/O Connections

These input connections are made at terminals 6–40 (Figure 3-4).

Note: Factory installed jumpers are at locations 9–10, 13–14, 18–19, 19–20 and 21–22.

Figure 3-9 Programmable Input Connections

Factory 21


Jumper 22

EOT1 & 2, Home1 & 2

and Inputs 1–8 (33–40)


Com 32


Maximum current = 35mA each input,

P–Up250mA maximum total from 12VDC internal source.


Opto Isolator

Common (Isolated)

Figure 3-10 Programmable Output Connections

Maximum sink current = 100mA each output, 250mA maximum total from 12VDC internal source.

Optional 24V Output Connections












Outputs 1–8 (23–30) (Programmable)

Com 31








(Remove Jumper)

External +24V +24VDC Supply Com

Outputs 1–8 (Programmable)





Opto Isolator

Factory installed jumper for 12VDC pull–up operation. Maximum current sink capability is 100mA per output and 350mA maximum from internal 12VDC supply.

Remove factory installed jumper from terminal P–Up. Connect an external 24VDC supply to terminals P–Up and Com. (Terminal P–Up must be positive).

Optional Opto I/O Connections

8 Optically isolated I/O connections are located at terminals 9–16 of Figure 3-4. Connections to these terminals are shown in Figure 3-11 (if the optional Opto Modules are used).

Figure 3-11 Opto Isolated I/O Connections






















































User Output









AC or +DC voltage source












































Typical connection (each input)







































































User Load


AC or +DC
























voltage source













Typical connection (each output)


Receiving & Installation 3-9

Image 20
Contents LinStep+ Dual-Axis Microstepping Indexer/Driver Table of Contents Increment/Decrement Variables Other Programming Samples Ii Table of Contents MN1854Arithmetic Operands and Equations Troubleshooting Serial Communications Problems Iv Table of Contents MN1854 CE Compliance Limited WarrantySection General Information Product Notice Intended use Could result in injury or deathCould result in damage to property On next 2General Information MN1854Do not touch any circuit board, power device or electrical Connection before you first ensure that power has beenDo not apply AC power before you ensure that grounds are Voltages that are conducted to its power input terminals.Extend more than 0.2 5 into keypad assembly Instead, we recommend using a four wire WyePower is removed from the drive Driver should have specifications compatible to the driveMotors Section Product OverviewOverview Product Overview MN1854 Section Receiving and Installation Power DissipationMechanical Installation Receiving & Inspection2Receiving & Installation MN1854 GNDInput Power Conditioning System Grounding Ungrounded Distribution System4Receiving & Installation MN1854 Wire Size and Protection DevicesPower Connections Power connections are shown in Figure MN1854 Receiving & Installation Connection Locations 115VAC, 2 Axis6Receiving & Installation MN1854 Tools Required9 & 25 Pin RS-232 Cable Connections for UL Installations RS-232 PC Connections8Receiving & Installation MN1854 Daisy Chain ConnectionsRules for Daisy Chain Operation PC / Host DeviceProgrammable I/O Connections Optional Opto I/O ConnectionsThese input connections are made at terminals 6-40 Figure Typical connection each input10Receiving & Installation MN1854 Encoder Signal PVS100 Danaher 9-Pin DEncoder Color Code +5VDCMotor Connector LD9068A00 Leadwire Connection 9 pin to flying leadsInterlock Intlk Ground GNDStart-Up Procedure Power Off ChecksSwitch and Potentiometer Settings Section General InformationPower On Checks Action Display CommentsMotor should now be producing torque HighReceiving & Installation MN1854 Section Keypad Operation OverviewKeypad layout with the LCD display is shown in Figure F1, F2, F3Copies one program to another within the LinStep+ Alpha Decimal PointComma Test Thus eliminating the need for a PC terminal connectionTrace Output Move Shutdn RS232 EncoderEdit Menu Pressing the Edit key displays a set of sub-menusSave the program Edit an existing program6Keypad Operation MN1854 Save Program? YesNoNaming a program Example of Naming a ProgramPress ESC. You will be prompted as shown in Figure Mine AC.3 VE2 DI1 GO8Keypad Operation MN1854 Entering Characters with the Alpha Key In edit modeUse the =O keys for additional alpha characters Edit, Setup Submenu Submenu Setup Parameter Description of Setup ParameterPress EDIT, POS F3 Press YES F1 or no F3 Press EDIT, ↓ , List toDisplay the number Programs stored Press ↓ to display the totalPressing Help in the Main Menu Pressing Help in Menus and Sub-MenusPressing Help In the Program Edit function Sequentially Eeprom message disappearsCOPY, to PAD Submenu Enter the program number. Or, ifYou wish, you can scroll the list Program namesSection Setup Procedure Format DefinitionSetup MN1854 Axis One Motor Type SteperAxis One Drive Res Axis One Motor DirAxis One ENC Mode Open LoopApplication Notes Axis One Encoder RES ↑5000 cnts/in ↓IN-RANGE Setup Window ValueIN-RANGE Window PM GainConfigure Your Application Mechanics Mech SetupDist Vmax Accel AmaxAxis One Vel Units In/s EditAxis One MAX Vel 500.0 in/s ↓→Char Keypad Display Input Character Description Configure the I/OIuuuuuuu ←↑↓→ Inputs will work. See the RG command for more details Service routine programTo summarize, when INT98CTRL=1 Reset to 1. This allows for input debounce and controllingWarm Boot Power-up program, if defined, will startJog Speed InputsOUT1 Programmable Pppppppp ←↑↓→ Configure the Output States OPTO9 InputIiiiiiii OFFConfigure End of Travel Switch Polarity Configure JOG ParametersEnable Accel LO-VEL HI-VELOffset DIR Configure Home ParametersMode Edge Switch Negative Configure Power-up Program ↑SETUP↓Power Up Program PROGRAM0 Axis One Final Dir PositiveConfigure Serial Communications RS232C Setup↑ Enabled ↓ Echo UNIT#Configure Miscellaneous Setup Parameters Data Type Description of Display Data TypeGeneral Password Rules Password SetupOpratr Admin Clear Password Type Description Gives access to these menusKeypad Program Command List Section Keypad ProgrammingAcceleration Start Home Outputs On/Off Function Key Message to DisplayKeypad Programming MN1854 Value Units RangeExample AC2 DE.5 VE12 DA3 GO DA3 GO DA3 GODC Distance to Change Example Distance to Change DCn * DCn*1 * Vn*1 2* Vnt wExamples of DC move profiles, AC = seconds, VE=ips DC n + 10 +DE Deceleration AC.1 VE60 DI2 GO DI1 GO DI-4 GOIF2,1 EN EB DI2 GO Value Units Range N/ALP2 DI3 GO EB =12 =13 =17 =18 =22 =23 =26 =27 =28RUN Edit Copy DELExample 3-Screen Menu Program Set in Edit Setup Mech Accel VEL GH Start HomeGo Immediate Syntax GI or GIi Value N/A Units N/A Range N/AGO Go Start a Move Syntax GO or GOi Value N/A Units N/A Range i=1-16AC.05 DE.05 VE50 DI5 GO VE2 AC.1 DA4,2 GPGosub Syntax GSi and GSname =1-400, name = any legal program nameIF10 Gtpart a EB If input 1 is on and input 2 is off, jump to program Part aUnits Range IFPARTS=25 GS20 EBDilength IV12,LENGTHLppieces Syntax LPi LP Loop Value Units N/A Range N/ASyntax MC+ MC Move Continuous Move Continuous MS27,COUNT 27 7th character, 2nd rowPowerup ONL,GTON EOT GthomeMain VE5 DA20 GO= starting output number =0 input high. X=1 input low grounded=anything else ignore input changes OT4,1 Turn on Output OT2,0D1Syntax RGr RG Registration SQRESULT=0 SQ27.96,SQRESULT Value N/A Units N/AST1 AC1 DE1 VE25 DA6 GO VE50 DA0 GO EN Value N/A Units seconds= starting input number Syntax VEr VE VelocityWTexpression Programming Overview Summary of Expressions, Operators and FunctionsHelpful Hints Programming your application Variable Names Example of Hosted ModeProgram Variable Name Description of Built-in Variable Type Examples of how to use Built-in VariablesBuilt-in Variables Using Built-in Variable Arowrel Lpnumber Non-Volatile VariablesParts AO15=VOLTAGE + Error Arithmetic Operands and EquationsExamples of incorrect use Instead, you should useLogical Operators Increment/Decrement VariablesExpressions Other Programming SamplesCreate a Menu menu display on keypad display for operator Setting an Output=On on-the-flyCreate a Message and Read an Input Variable Read a 4 Digit BCD number, 2 Digits at a time Reading an Analog Input ValueGET 4 Bcds Digit BCD=4 Digit BCD+2TWSection Troubleshooting 1Operation Indicators2Axis 1 and 2 Indicators Additional Information GeneralTroubleshooting MN1854 Additional InformationSerial Communications Problems Troubleshooting MN1854 Section Specifications & Product Data MN1854 Specifications & Product DataIdentification LinStep+ LX 2 P 1 aGeneral Specifications Protection & Indicators DescriptionVAC VDC94.7 230.1 DimensionsOptional Keypad 10.08 256.0 Axis Driver 148.3 Specifications & Product Data MN1854 Wiring of Shielded Screened Cables Section CE GuidelinesCE Declaration of Conformity EMC Conformity and CE MarkingEMC Wiring Technique CE Guidelines MN1854Cit Grounding EarthEMC Installation Instructions Cable Screens GroundingInput Signal Cable Grounding Simulated Encoder Output Cable GroundingEncoder Cable Grounding To ControllerMN1854 Appendix A-1 Appendix aProgramming Template Appendix MN1854 MN1854 Appendix A-3 Remote Keypad Mounting Template 122.88838 111.25Baldor Electric Company Baldor Electric Company MN1854 01 C&JLinStep+ Dual-Axis Microstepping Indexer/Driver