WTI CMS-16; Console Management Switch -- User's Guide
[Enter]+++[Enter] Resident Disconnect Sequence
The Resident Disconnect Sequence is issued to disconnect your resident port from another port. For example, if you are communicating via Port 3, and Port 3 is connected to Port 4, the Resident Disconnect Sequence would be used to disconnect Port 3 from Port 4. Although the default Resident Disconnect Sequence is [Enter]+++[Enter], the command format and Logoff Character can also be redefined via the Port Configuration Menus as described in Section 5.5.3. Note that a one character disconnect command can also be selected.
Availability: Supervisor / User
Format: [Enter]xxx[Enter]
Where "x" is the selected Logoff Character, and the default character is "+".
Verbose: The CMS will send the "Disconnected" message, followed by the Port Status Screen.
Terse: 3
/C Connect
Establishes a
●Resident Connect: If the /C command specifies one port name or number, your resident port will be connected to the specified port.
●Third Party Connect: If the /C command specifies two port names or numbers, the unit will connect the two ports indicated. A Third Party Connect command must be issued from a third port with "Supervisor" command capability. "User" ports cannot initiate a Third Party Connect.
●Ports with "User" command capability can only connect to ports that share the same Port Password.
●Ports with "Supervisor" command capability are allowed to connect to all other ports.
Availability: Supervisor / User
Format: /C <x> [x] [Enter]
Where x is the number or name of the port(s) to be connected.
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