WTI CMS-16; Console Management Switch -- User's Guide
Verbose: Connected xx, when a Resident Connection is initiated, the CMS will also display the currently selected Resident Disconnect Sequence for your port.
Terse: 1
/CP Copy RS232 Port Parameters
Allows quick
Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /CP [Enter]
Response: Displays Copy Parameters Menu
/D Third Party Disconnect
Invoke the /D command at your resident port to disconnect two other ports. The /D command cannot be used to disconnect your resident port. To disconnect your resident port, issue the Resident Disconnect Sequence or wait for the Timeout Period to elapse (if enabled).
Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /D[/Y] <x> [x] [Enter]
/Y (Optional) suppresses the "Sure?" prompt.
xIs the number or name of the port(s) to be disconnected. To Disconnect all ports, enter an asterisk. To disconnect the Network Port, enter an "N".
Verbose: "Are you Sure (y/n)?", if Y, unit will respond with "Disconnected".
Terse: 5, if Y, unit will respond with 3.
Example: To disconnect Port 2 from Port 3 without the "Sure?" prompt, access the Command Mode from a third port with "All" command capability and type one of the following commands:
/D/Y 2 [Enter] or /D/Y 3 [Enter]
/E Erase Buffer
Erases data from the buffer for a specified port or several ports. Note that erased data cannot be
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