WTI CMS-16; Console Management Switch -- User's Guide
function times out, type 1 and press [Enter] to continue, or press [Esc] to abort.
5. If the upload is successful, the CMS will prompt the user to continue the upgrade or abort.
. Upgrade: To continue with the upgrade, type 1 and press [Enter]. CMS will erase the previous firmware, move new firmware from data flash to program flash memory, calculate and store the new checksum, and reboot. Do not attempt to reconnect to the CMS until the RDY indicator blinks to indicate the process is complete.
b.Abort: To abort the procedure, type 2 and press [Enter].
6.Incomplete Upload: If the upload is interrupted,
during transfer, the CMS will display a screen which asks for user confirmation before proceeding. To proceed, type 1 and press [Enter], then return to Step 4 above.
7.Emergency Recovery: In the rare event that the CMS operating system becomes corrupted during installation, front panel indicators will blink five times and the unit will automatically switch to Emergency Recovery Mode. Please contact WTI Customer Service for further instructions.
When firmware upgrades are available, WTI will provide the necessary files via modem or mailed diskette. At that time, an updated Users Guide or addendum will also be available.
10. Command Reference Guide
10.1. Command Conventions
The commands described in this section conform to the following conventions:
●Slash Character: Most CMS commands begin with the Slash Character (/).
●Apply Command to All Ports: When the asterisk character is entered as the argument of the /D command (Disconnect Port), or the /E command (Erase Buffer) the command will be applied to all ports. For example, to erase all port buffers, type /E * [Enter].
●Port Name Wild Card: It is not always necessary to enter the entire port name. Port
names can be abbreviated in command lines by entering the first character(s) of the name followed by an asterisk (*). For example, a port named "SERVER" can be specified as "S*". Note however, that this command would also be applied to any other port name that begins with the letter "S".
●Suppress "Sure?" Prompt: When the /D (Disconnect Port), /E (Erase Buffer), or /I
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