Tefal SW602082 Chocolate waffles, Banana and Pecan nut waffles, Oat, apple and cinnamon waffles

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Install the waffle plates.

Pour on the mixture, taking care to fill each plate without it overflowing. Leave to cook for around 4 minutes according to the desired degree of cooking.

Avoid opening the appliance during cooking. Place the waffles on a cooling rack and wait for 1 minute before eating them: this makes them crunchier.

Cooks note: 1 American cup is equivalent to 237 ml or 8 fl oz. In the UK you

can use a breakfast cup.

Chocolate waffles

2 cups of packet pancake or waffle mix (about 210 g) • 3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa • 2 tablespoons of sugar • a quarter of a cup of chocolate chips (about 40g)

a third of a cup of finely chopped walnuts (about 40g) • one and a half cups of milk (255ml) • a third of a cup of vegetable oil (about 80ml) • 2 large eggs • half a teaspoonful of vanilla essence

In a large bowl, mix the pancake mix, cocoa powder, sugar, chocolate and walnuts according to taste. In another bowl, mix the milk, oil, eggs and vanilla essence. Add the liquid ingredients to the pancake mix and stir until even. Leave the mixture to rest for 5 minutes. Pour the desired amount of mixture into the waffle-maker. Leave to cook until there is no more steam, i.e. after around 4 minutes. Serve with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Makes about 12 waffles.

Banana and Pecan nut waffles

2 very ripe crushed bananas • 1 cup of milk (about 237 ml) • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil • 1 large egg • half a teaspoon of vanilla essence • 2 cups of packet pancake or waffle mix (about 210g) • quarter of a cup of finely chopped Pecan nuts (about 30g)

In a large bowl, mix the bananas, milk, oil, eggs and vanilla essence. Stir the pancake mixture and the walnuts evenly. Leave the mixture to settle for 5 minutes. Pour the desired amount of mixture into the waffle-maker. Leave to cook until there is no more steam, i.e. after around 4 minutes. Serve with maple syrup. Makes about 12 waffles.

Oat, apple and cinnamon waffles

2 cups of packet pancake or waffle mix (about 210g) • quarter of a cup of oats (quick- cooking type) • 2 tablespoons of caster sugar • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon • one and a half cups of milk • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil • 1 large egg • three quarters of a cup of peeled McIntosh or Braeburn apples cut into small pieces

In a large bowl, stir in the pancake mix, oats, sugar, and cinnamon. In another bowl, mix the milk, oil, egg and apples. Add the liquid ingredients to the pancake mix and stir until even. Leave the mixture to settle for 5 minutes. Pour the desired amount of mixture into the waffle-maker. Leave to cook until there is no more steam, i.e. after around 4 minutes. Serve with maple syrup. Makes about 12 waffles.

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Contents Page Prévention des accidents domestiques InstallationEn verre, nappe, meuble verni Branchement et préchauffage Choix des plaques de cuissonPour enlever les plaques Pour remettre les plaquesRangement Après l’utilisationEnvironnement Ne jamais plonger l’appareil ou le cordon dans l’eauCroque-monsieur Sandwichs grillésCroque-monsieur Virginia Croque dessertGaufres au chocolat GaufresGaufres aux bananes et aux noix de Pecan Gaufresauxfloconsd’avoine,auxpommesetàlacannellePoulet grillé cordon bleu GrilladesBrochettes de crevettes à l’ail Voorkomen van ongelukken in het huishouden InstallatieAansluiten en voorverwarmen Keuze van bakplatenDe platen verwijderen De platen terugplaatsenOpbergen Na gebruikMilieu Dompel het apparaat of het netsnoer nooit onder in waterTosti met ham en kaas TostisTosti Virginia Tosti-dessertChocoladewafels WafelsWafels met bananen en pecannoten Wafels met havervlokken, appels en kaneelGegrilde kip-cordon bleu GrillgerechtenGarnalenspiesjes met knoflook Inbetriebnahme Vermeidung von Unfällen im HaushaltAnschließen und Vorheizen Wahl der BackplattenAufbewahrung Nach dem GebrauchUmweltschutz Tauchen Sie das Gerät oder das Kabel niemals in WasserKäse-Schinken-Toast Getoastetes SandwichToast „Virginia Bananen-Schoko-ToastSchokowaffeln WaffelnBananenwaffeln mit Pekannuss Waffeln mit Haferflocken, Äpfeln und ZimtGegrilltes Huhn „Cordon Bleu GrillgerichteCrevettenspieße mit Knoblauch DE Sicherheitshinweise Sandwichmaker- Waffeleisen Prevenzione degli incidenti domestici InstallazioneCollegamento alla presa di corrente e preriscaldamento Scelta delle piastre di cotturaCustodia Dopo lutilizzoAmbiente Proteggiamo lambienteToast prosciutto cotto e formaggio Pane tostatoToast Virginia Toast dolceCialde al cioccolato CialdeCialde con banane e noci Cialde con fiocchi davena, mele e cannellaPollo alla griglia Cordon Bleu GrigliateSpiedini di gamberetti allaglio Instalación Prevención de accidentes domésticosSi utiliza este electrodoméstico en presencia de niños Conexión y precalentamiento Selección de placas de cocinaPara retirar las placas Para colocar las placasAlmacenamiento Después del usoMedio ambiente Protejamos el medio ambienteCroque postre Sándwiches calientesGofras de chocolate GofrasGofras con plátano y nueces Gofras con copos de avena, manzanas y canelaPollo a la parrilla cordon bleu ParrilladasBrochetas de gambas al ajo Instalação Prevenção de acidentes domésticosEm vidro, toalha de tecido, móvel envernizado Ligação à corrente e pré-aquecimento Selecção das placasPara desmontar as placas Para voltar a montar as placasArrumação Após cada utilizaçãoProtecção do ambiente em primeiro lugar Croque-monsieur tosta mista com queijo derretido por cima TostasCroque-monsieur Virgínia Croque sobremesaWaffles de chocolate WafflesWaffles com bananas e nozes Pecan Waffles de flocos de aveia, maçãs e canelaFrango grelhado cordon bleu GrelhadosEspetadas de camarão com alho Yalnv içi kullan Ederiz. Aşağatle okuyun ve elinizin alt Ev kazalarPlakalar Plakayertik ç yerleştirin Plakalararmak içinPlakay Olduğundan ve prize tak Kişi tarafÖnce çevre koruma ! Cihaze geri kazan Cihazeya kabloyu asla suya batTostlar Waffle Izgaralar Household accident prevention Choice of plates Connection, switching on and pre-heatingPlates To remove the platesStorage After useEnvironment Never immerse the appliance or electrical cord in waterToasted sandwiches Banana and Pecan nut waffles Chocolate wafflesOat, apple and cinnamon waffles Cordon bleu grilled chicken Grilled meats or fishGarlic shrimp kebab Page Page ¥U≤v ÖuX ´‡‡d‡wJö¢v ≥UÈ ØKuÇt ØKuÇtÄjuê ÖdœË Ë ±u ØKuÇt «¸ÇOs Ë ßOV §u, ØKuÇtBÁ ¢ºX ßU≤bË¥âNUÈ ¥ºX ±Oj±u≤ºOu¸ ØdË؇ ØdË؇ œßd«ß∑HUœÁ « Äf Œß∑~UÁ «¢BU‰≤~Nb«¸È ≤LUzb ±DU∞Ft Œß∑~UÁ ≤BV≠‡‡‡U¸ß‡v «∞LAUËÍ «∞Fºq √Æd«’ …±ö ≠DUzd«ôß∑ªb«Â Fb «∞∑ºªOs √∂U‚ «î∑OU¸ «∞∑dØOVRC 301 520 920 Ref 03/06
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