Tefal SW602062, SW602032 Grilled meats or fish, Cordon bleu grilled chicken, Garlic shrimp kebab

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Grilled meats or fish

Install the grill plates (depending on the model). Place the meat, poultry or fish on the plates.

Close the appliance and leave to cook according to the recipe and to your personal taste.

Cordon bleu grilled chicken

2 chicken breasts • 2 slices of Swiss cheese • 1 tablespoon of olive oil • 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard • half a sprig of dried thyme

Pre-heat the grill. Cut a slit in each of the chicken breasts. Fold the slices of cheese so that they are small enough to be placed into the cuts. Place the cheese in the slits. Mix the oil, mustard and thyme in a small bowl and brush both sides of the chicken breasts with this mixture. Grill the breasts for about 7 minutes or until they are cooked. Serves 2 portions.

Garlic shrimp kebab

Half a pound of medium-sized peeled shrimps or prawns • 2 tablespoons of olive oil • 2 finely sliced cloves of garlic • half a teaspoon of ground chilli pepper or chilli powder • 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley • salt and pepper • 12 to 15 cherry tomatoes • 2 slices of lemon

Pre-heat the grill. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the shrimps or prawns, olive oil, garlic, chilli pepper, and parsley, then season with salt and pepper according to taste. Leave the mixture to stand for 20 minutes. Slide the shrimps or prawns onto a small bamboo skewer with 3 cherry tomatoes. Grill them for 5 minutes or according to taste. Serve with the slices of fresh lemon and toasted bread. Serves 2 portions.

Toasted Sandwich tips

Only use butter or ordinary margarine when making toasted sandwiches. Low fat spreads or butter substitutes are unsuitable as they overheat at a lower temperature and form dark brown deposits. This causes the bread to stick to the cooking plates.

For best results, use medium sliced bread with or without crusts. Remember to increase the cooking slightly for thick bread and to reduce slightly for thin bread.

Unlike conventional sandwiches the bread is buttered on the outside.

Brown or wholemeal bread can also be used but the cooking time may be slightly different.

Take care not to add too much filling otherwise it will leak from the toasted sandwiches.

Avoid using delicate salad fillings that wilt when cooked, such as lettuce and cucumber. However, tomatoes and onions give good results.


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Contents Page En verre, nappe, meuble verni InstallationPrévention des accidents domestiques Pour enlever les plaques Choix des plaques de cuissonBranchement et préchauffage Pour remettre les plaquesEnvironnement Après l’utilisationRangement Ne jamais plonger l’appareil ou le cordon dans l’eauCroque-monsieur Virginia Sandwichs grillésCroque-monsieur Croque dessertGaufres aux bananes et aux noix de Pecan GaufresGaufres au chocolat Gaufresauxfloconsd’avoine,auxpommesetàlacannelleBrochettes de crevettes à l’ail GrilladesPoulet grillé cordon bleu Installatie Voorkomen van ongelukken in het huishoudenDe platen verwijderen Keuze van bakplatenAansluiten en voorverwarmen De platen terugplaatsenMilieu Na gebruikOpbergen Dompel het apparaat of het netsnoer nooit onder in waterTosti Virginia TostisTosti met ham en kaas Tosti-dessertWafels met bananen en pecannoten WafelsChocoladewafels Wafels met havervlokken, appels en kaneelGarnalenspiesjes met knoflook GrillgerechtenGegrilde kip-cordon bleu Vermeidung von Unfällen im Haushalt InbetriebnahmeWahl der Backplatten Anschließen und VorheizenUmweltschutz Nach dem GebrauchAufbewahrung Tauchen Sie das Gerät oder das Kabel niemals in WasserToast „Virginia Getoastetes SandwichKäse-Schinken-Toast Bananen-Schoko-ToastBananenwaffeln mit Pekannuss WaffelnSchokowaffeln Waffeln mit Haferflocken, Äpfeln und ZimtCrevettenspieße mit Knoblauch GrillgerichteGegrilltes Huhn „Cordon Bleu DE Sicherheitshinweise Sandwichmaker- Waffeleisen Installazione Prevenzione degli incidenti domesticiScelta delle piastre di cottura Collegamento alla presa di corrente e preriscaldamentoAmbiente Dopo lutilizzoCustodia Proteggiamo lambienteToast Virginia Pane tostatoToast prosciutto cotto e formaggio Toast dolceCialde con banane e noci CialdeCialde al cioccolato Cialde con fiocchi davena, mele e cannellaSpiedini di gamberetti allaglio GrigliatePollo alla griglia Cordon Bleu Si utiliza este electrodoméstico en presencia de niños Prevención de accidentes domésticosInstalación Para retirar las placas Selección de placas de cocinaConexión y precalentamiento Para colocar las placasMedio ambiente Después del usoAlmacenamiento Protejamos el medio ambienteSándwiches calientes Croque postreGofras con plátano y nueces GofrasGofras de chocolate Gofras con copos de avena, manzanas y canelaBrochetas de gambas al ajo ParrilladasPollo a la parrilla cordon bleu Em vidro, toalha de tecido, móvel envernizado Prevenção de acidentes domésticosInstalação Para desmontar as placas Selecção das placasLigação à corrente e pré-aquecimento Para voltar a montar as placasProtecção do ambiente em primeiro lugar Após cada utilizaçãoArrumação Croque-monsieur Virgínia TostasCroque-monsieur tosta mista com queijo derretido por cima Croque sobremesaWaffles com bananas e nozes Pecan WafflesWaffles de chocolate Waffles de flocos de aveia, maçãs e canelaEspetadas de camarão com alho GrelhadosFrango grelhado cordon bleu Ev kazalar Yalnv içi kullan Ederiz. Aşağatle okuyun ve elinizin altPlakay Olduğundan ve prize tak Plakalararmak içinPlakalar Plakayertik ç yerleştirin Kişi tarafCihazeya kabloyu asla suya bat Önce çevre koruma ! Cihaze geri kazanTostlar Waffle Izgaralar Household accident prevention Plates Connection, switching on and pre-heatingChoice of plates To remove the platesEnvironment After useStorage Never immerse the appliance or electrical cord in waterToasted sandwiches Oat, apple and cinnamon waffles Chocolate wafflesBanana and Pecan nut waffles Garlic shrimp kebab Grilled meats or fishCordon bleu grilled chicken Page Page ´‡‡d‡w ¥U≤v ÖuXÄjuê ÖdœË Ë ±u ØKuÇt ØKuÇtJö¢v ≥UÈ ØKuÇt «¸ÇOs Ë ßOV §u, ØKuÇt±u≤ºOu¸ ØdË؇ ¥ºX ±OjBÁ ¢ºX ßU≤bË¥âNUÈ ØdË؇ œßd≤~Nb«¸È Œß∑~UÁ «¢BU‰«ß∑HUœÁ « Äf Œß∑~UÁ ≤BV ≤LUzb ±DU∞Ft≠‡‡‡U¸ß‡v «∞LAUËÍ …±ö ≠DUzd «∞Fºq √Æd«’«ôß∑ªb«Â Fb «∞∑dØOV «∞∑ºªOs √∂U‚ «î∑OU¸RC 301 520 920 Ref 03/06
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