Tefal BM3100A9 Precautions for use, Operation, Measuring principle, Using for the first time

Page 39

Precautions for use


Always weigh yourself on a hard, flat floor. Do not weigh yourself on a carpet or rug.

To be fully satisfied with this appliance, measuring and weighing must always be conducted under the same conditions:

Always weigh yourself in bare feet (direct contact with the skin). Your feet must be dry and properly positioned on the electrodes (see page 2). Beware that if your feet have too much hard skin the measurement may be affected.

preferably once a week first thing in the morning (so as not to be affected by the weight fluctuations during the day related to the meals, digestion and physical activity of the individual)

1/4 of an hour after waking up, so that the water

in your body is distributed in the lower limbs.

It is also important to ensure that there is no contact between the legs (thighs, knees, calves) or between the feet. If necessary, slip a sheet of paper between your legs.







Measuring principle


When you step on the scales, barefoot, an electric current


of very low intensity is transmitted through the body via


the electrodes.

Warning: the use of

This current, which travels from one foot to the other,

this appliance is

encounter difficulties when it has to pass through fat.

forbidden for wearers

This resistance of the body, called bioelectrical

of pacemakers or other

impedance, varies according to gender, age and height

electronic medical

of the user, and makes it possible to determine body fat

equipment because of

and its limits.

the risk of disruption

This device is perfectly safe because it operates with a

due to the electric

very low current (4 1.5 V batteries).


However, there are risks of distorted measurements in


the following cases:


– users with fever


– children under 6 years (the appliance is uncalibrated


below this age)


– pregnant women (but perfectly safe)


– people on dialysis, those with oedema in the legs,


people with dysmorphism


Using for the first time

Important: when recording your personal data:

Bodysignal must remain set on the floor,

use just one finger to press the buttons,

the scales must not be pressed in any other way than by the fingers on the keys and must not be held.









Image 39
Contents Bodysignald Bodysignal Glass Page Page III BIP BIP BIP Sélection sexe homme/femme Une nouvelle approche du poidsMaigrir durablement Prévenir lobésité dès lenfancePremière utilisation Précautions demploiFonctionnement Principe de mesureSélection de la taille de 100 à 220 cm Utilisations suivantesExemple d’une femme de 34 ans qui mesure 160 cm Sélection du sexeLes informations Interprétation de vos résultatsCas particulier Changement de pilesMesure Perte de poidsStable Votre composition corporelle Reste stable Prise de poidsStabilité Augmentation Soit De la masse GrasseMessages spéciaux Bodysignal détecte un autre appui que celui de votre doigt Participons à la protection de l’environnementVérifiez que vous êtes bien pieds nus Bevestigentoets Een nieuwe benadering van het gewichtDuurzaam afvallen WerkelijkheidGebruiksadviezen MeetprincipeLedematen verdeeld heeft Selectie van het geslacht Selectie van de lengte tussen 100 en 220 cmSelectie van de leeftijd Het interpreteren van uw resultaten Volgende toepassingenBijzonder geval Afname Wijzig uw eetpatroon en eet Ofwel Van de GewichtsverliesAfname Eetpatroon En/of Lichamelijke activiteit Ofwel Van de Een Gunstige werking Op uw VetmassaToename Ofwel Van de Vetmassa GewichtstoenameStabiliteit Toename Ofwel Van deSpeciale berichten Heeft te kort op de toets gedrukt Bodysignal detecteert een andere druk dan die van uw vingerWees vriendelijk voor het milieu Controleer of u op blote voeten staatEin neuer Ansatz in Bezug zum Gewicht Dauerhaft abnehmenDarauf, die Realität genau widerzuspiegeln Sicherheitshinweise Das MessprinzipDen unteren Körperregionen zu verteilen Einstellen der Größe zwischen 100 und 220 cm BetriebErste Inbetriebnahme Einstellen des GeschlechtsAchtung, beim Die folgenden BenutzungenBesondere Fälle Einstellen des AltersUnd entspannt, auf einen Blick Auswertung Ihrer ErgebnisseMuskelmasse einhergehen Körperlicher Betätigung zu erkennenGewichtsverlust GewichtszunahmeStabilität Löschen des Speichers Spezielle AnzeigenSteigen Sie von der Wiegefläche herab Alle Speicherplätze sind besetztSie haben die Taste zu kurz gedrückt Denken Sie an den Schutz der UmweltMessaggio che invita a scendere dal Un nuovo approccio al pesoDimagrire in modo duraturo Prevenire l’obesità sin dall’infanziaPrimo utilizzo Precauzioni d’impiegoFunzionamento Principio di misurazioneSelezione dell’età Esempio di una donna di 34 anni alta 160 cmSelezione del sesso Selezione dalla statura da 100 a 220 cmLimite minimo Interpretazione dei vostri risultatiUtilizzi successivi Caso particolareEcco le diverse variazioni che Visio Control può indicarvi Perdita di pesoOppure Aumento Della massa È grassa Aumento di pesoStabilità AumentoMessaggi speciali Verificate di essere a piedi nudi Partecipiamo alla protezione dellambientePreventing obesity in childhood New approach to weightLosing weight permanently Low battery indicatorMeasuring principle Precautions for useUsing for the first time OperationSelection of age Example of a 34 year old woman who measures 160 cmSelection of sex Selection of the height from 100 to 220 cmThis case, after stepping off the platform Interpreting your resultsSubsequent uses Special caseWeight loss Stable Weight gainStability Increased Body FatTo clear your memory To change the settings of your memory change in age or sizeSpecial Messages Steep off the platformYou have pressed the button too briefly Environment protection firstAdelgazar de forma duradera Un nuevo enfoque del pesoPrincipio de medición Precauciones de usoSelección de la edad Primer usoSelección del sexo Selección de la altura de 100 a 220 cmSu peso en kg Su masa grasa en kg Interpretación de sus resultadosUsos siguientes Caso particularSalud en peligro Pérdida de pesoTiene un exceso de masa grasa Actividad físicaAumento De la masa Grasa Aumento de pesoEstabilidad Aumento De la masa MuscularAl visualizar sus características personales, pulse durante Bájese de la básculaTodas las memorias están ocupadas Para vaciar su memoria¡¡ Participe en la conservación del medio ambiente Asegúrese de que tiene los pies descalzosHa pulsado el botón con demasiada brevedad Prevenir a obesidade desde a infância DescriçãoUma nova abordagem do peso Emagrecer duradouramentePrincípio de medição Precauções de utilizaçãoSelecção da altura de 100 a 220 cm FuncionamentoPrimeira utilização Selecção do sexoAtenção, aquando da Interpretação dos resultadosUtilizações seguintes Caso específicoPerda de peso Perda Modifique a alimentação Ou seja De massaGorda Uma actividade física Estabilidade Aumento Ou seja dda massa È muscularEstável Sua composição corporal Mantém-se estável Para esvaziar a memória Mensagens especiaisDesca da base Todas as memórias estão ocupadasPremiu de forma muito breve a tecla Bodysignal detecta um outro apoio que não o do seu dedoProtecção do ambiente em primeiro lugar Verifique se está de pés descalçosService consommateurs 09 74 50 47 Asiakaspalvelu + 358 962 29+ 47 815 09 Av reservedeler
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