HP Pay per use (PPU) manual Copy the Meters Configuration, Load the Meter’s Configuration

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3.4.2 Copy the Meter's Configuration

Use this task to copy the current Utility Meter configuration information to a file. You can use this configuration information for Utility Meter backup or recovery purposes. For example, if you reinstall the Utility Meter software and you want to reuse the original Utility Meter software configuration, the information from the previously copied file can be used.

HP recommends that you save a copy of the Utility Meter configuration into a safe place (for example, a CD, network-attached file system, or a flash drive). The Utility Meter parameters are stored in the /etc/opt/meter/meter.xml file. The Copy the Meter's configuration task allows you to create a copy of these parameters.

To copy the Utility Meter's configuration:

1.Start the Utility Meter GUI. For details, see Starting the Utility Meter GUI.

2.In the Utility Meter GUI, click the Configure tab, and then click the Copy the Meter's configuration task button (right pane). This operation may take some time to complete.

When the copy has successfully completed, this task displays a pop-up message with the name of the copied file. The Copy the Meter's configuration task copies the /etc/opt/meter/meter.xml configuration file to the /tmp directory of the Utility Meter.

Figure 3-8 Save the Meter's Configuration Message

3.Copy the saved file (which is listed in the Save the Meter's configuration message) from the /tmp directory to a safe file (for example, CD, network-attached file system, or a flash drive).

4.Click the OK button to close the message window.

If a copy failure occurs, a pop-up message advises you of the status.

3.4.3 Load the Meter’s Configuration

This task is not supported in this release of the Utility Meter software.

3.4.4 Storage Devices Namespace Configuration

HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM), which runs on the Utility Meter, must know the namespace for every EVA storage device that is metered by the Utility Meter. The Utility Meter software provides a default set of namespaces, but you may need to add an additional namespace to the Utility Meter. You can view the list of namespaces in the Namespace Configuration dialog box. (See the procedure below to display the namespaces).

Perform the following procedure to add a namespace configuration into the Utility Meter for an HP SIM monitored device:

1.Start the Utility Meter GUI. For details, see Starting the Utility Meter GUI.

2.In the Utility Meter GUI, click the Configure tab.

3.In the Utility Meter GUI's Configure tab, click the Storage Devices Namespace configuration button in the Tasks (right) pane.

4.The Namespace Configuration dialog box appears. Notice that all namespaces that are configured for HP SIM are listed in the scrollable table at the bottom of this dialog box.

3.4 Utility Meter Configure Tasks 53

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Contents HP Utility Meter Users Guide for version Page Table of Contents Verifying Utility Meter Operation Troubleshooting the Utility MeterPerforming Utility Meter Tasks Site Preparation Form for Utility Ready Storage Site Preparation Form for Pay Per UsePage List of Figures Page Common Utility Meter Tasks Recommended Minimum Hardware List of TablesPage Intended Audience About This DocumentPublishing History Document OrganizationCommon Utility Meter Tasks Typographic Conventions Locating This GuideRelated Documents HP Encourages Your CommentsPage Overview IntroductionIntroduction Reminder of What was New in Version What is New for VersionRecommended Hardware Swapping Utility Meter HardwareEVA Supported URS PlatformsSupported PPU Platforms SoftwareUtility Meter Directory Structure Utility Meter Software DependenciesUtility Meter Software Back Up Missing Usage Reports Installation and Support ServicesData Sent to HP Data Transport Methods Ordering Utility Pricing Solutions Web PortalIntroduction Installing and Configuring the Utility Meter Software Before Going to the Customer Site Skills RequiredInstalling the HP Systems Insight Manager Software Configuring the HP-UX System ParametersInstalling the Utility Meter Software Usr/sbin/swinstall -s path-to-depotT5462A Usr/sbin/swinstall -s path-to-depotT2805AA# /usr/sbin/swinstall # /usr/sbin/swinstall -s hostnamepathname T2805AA \Completing the Utility Meter Software Installation Configuring the Utility Meter Parameters# /usr/sbin/shutdown -r # /opt/meter/bin/monitor status# /opt/meter/bin/umGUI # /usr/bin/X11/xclock# export DISPLAY=10.x.x.x0.0 Utility Meter GUI Main Window # /opt/meter/bin/monitor stop # /opt/meter/bin/monitor start # /opt/meter/bin/SetupCLI URS XP Only Installing the XP CV AE CLI SoftwareAvoiding CLI Conflicts Email MasqueradingManual email Masquerading # /opt/meter/sbin/sendmail-configAutomated email Masquerading Verifying email Masquerading Try esmtp umeter@hostname.corp.example Try esmtp umeter@localhostCompleting the Utility Meter Installation and Configuration Configuring PPU Partitions and URS DevicesVerifying the Utility Meter Operation Upgrading the Utility Meter Software to VersionInstalling and Configuring the Utility Meter Software Information Performing Utility Meter TasksUtility Meter GUI Main Window should appear Starting the Utility Meter GUIStarting the Utility Meter GUI Main Window Main Window Performing Utility Meter Tasks Utility Meter Help Information Utility Meter Configure Tasks Network Configuration Utility Meter Software Parameters To Change the Utility Meter Software Parameters # /opt/meter/bin/monitor stop # /opt/meter/bin/monitor start Storage Devices Namespace Configuration Copy the Meters ConfigurationLoad the Meter’s Configuration Port Protocol https Utility Meter Devices Tasks 10 Devices Tab Configure a Device Add DeviceAdd an EVA Device Performing Utility Meter Tasks Add an XP Device Performing Utility Meter Tasks Add a PPU Wbem Partition/Server 13 Add Device Dialog Box for PPU Wbem Partition/Server Change a non-URS Disk Array to URS Modify DevicePerforming Utility Meter Tasks View Device Change PPU Wbem Partition/Server Configuration ParametersRemove Device 17 View Device Error WindowDiscover Physical Devices Utility Meter Diagnose Tasks 20 Diagnose Tab Meter Connection StatusVerify Device Connection Device ConnectionDevice Connection PPU Wbem Partition/Server Page Transfer Data through CD Task # /opt/meter/bin/monitor stop # /opt/meter/bin/monitor start Transfer Data through CD Task Performing Utility Meter Tasks Verifying Utility Meter Operation # /usr/bin/grep Error /etc/rc.logVerifying the Utility Meter Hardware is Operational Verifying the Utility Meter Software is Operational# /usr/sbin/swlist /usr/bin/grep -i sim Verifying the Correct Version of HP SIM is InstalledVerifying the CIM Server Software Is Operational # /usr/bin/kill -9 processid # /usr/bin/ps -ef /usr/bin/grep cim /usr/bin/grep -v grepData Transfer by Https Verifying Connectivity from the Utility Meter to HP# /opt/wbem/bin/osinfo # /opt/meter/bin/ConnectionTest# /usr/bin/mailq Data Transfer by emailVerify PPU Agent Configuration Verify PPU Wbem Partition/Server ConfigurationVerifying the Data Acquisition Server is Running Verifying the Utility Meter Data Transport MethodTest Connection from PPU Partition to UPS Web Portal Test Connection from PPU Agent to Utility MeterUPS Portal Welcome Page Verifying a Storage Device Verifying a Device is Configured in the Utility MeterVerifying the Connection from the Utility Meter to HP Verifying a Device is Connected to the Utility Meter# /usr/bin/rm /tmp/cli.out Device Manager CLI versionTroubleshooting Overview Troubleshooting the Utility Meter# /usr/bin/hostname # /usr/sbin/shutdown -R -HUtility Meter Software Troubleshooting a Storage Device Troubleshooting a DeviceVerifying the Correct Version of XP CV AE CLI is Installed Troubleshooting a Wbem DeviceFixing a Disconnected Device with Red Box Osinfo -hhostname -s-ulogin# /opt/meter/bin/monitor stop Table A-1 PPU Site Preparation Form Site Preparation Form for Pay Per UseNetworking details on the PPU Wbem Partition/Server Table B-1 PPU Networking Details Form Site Preparation Form for Utility Ready StorageNetworking Details for the Command View XP AE Server Networking Details for the Command View EVA Server 100 Cpuid Data Fields Sent from the Utility Meter to HPData Fields Sent from the Utility Meter to HP CLI Glossary104 Index Index