HP Classroom Manager 10.61
1.Choose {View}{Current Settings – User Interface - Student} from the Control window drop down menu.
2.Select “Display image when locking mouse and keyboard”.
3.Click OK.
4.Select the Client(s) or Groups of Clients you wish to Lock.
5.From the Control window drop down menu, choose {Client}{Lock Keyboard/Mouse}. Or,
From the toolbar, press the Lock icon.
∙If you View a locked Client, the display graphic on a Client screen will no longer apply.
∙If an Image file cannot be located on the Client machine, a flashing message “This machine has been locked by the control user” will be displayed on the Client screen.
The image can be changed if necessary by replacing the file or by using the Client Configurator to select an alternative file.
1.In the Client Configurator choose {Advanced}{Image Option}.
2.The Image file will display the default file.
3.Click Browse to select an alternative file, then Open.
4.The Image file will display the new file.
5.Click OK.
Note: If you would like to display an Image file that is not available on Client workstations, use the HP Classroom Manager Deploy function to Deploy a Configurator setting to all connected Client workstations.
Viewing Student screens
Having connected to a Client, you can now control it. This is called Viewing. The Client‟s screen will be displayed in a window on the Control workstation. HP Classroom Manager will allow you to View multiple Client screens, each in its own window, simultaneously.
Note: If required, a message can be displayed at the Client workstation confirming it is being Viewed. See the Configuring The Student Section of this manual.
The Quick view bar allows you to View a connected Client quickly and easily. When you connect to a Client a button with the Clients name will appear on the Quick view bar on the Control window. By clicking on a button you will View the Clients screen, by clicking on the button while Viewing, the View window will be closed.