HP Classroom Manager 10.61
Scaling to Fit
It may be that the Client is running in a higher resolution than the Control. In this case choosing the Scale to Fit button, will
Full Screen
When Scanning in full screen mode, you can use the Scan Floating toolbar to Control the operation.
A snapshot of the current Client view window will be taken. You will then have the option to name and save the current screen contents to a file.
To end the Scan
1.Choose {Scan}{Close} from the Scan window drop down menu.
Scanning multiple screens simultaneously
Multiple Client screens can be scanned simultaneously in one Scan window.
To Scan multiple screens simultaneously
1.Choose {Group}{Scan} from the Control window drop down menu. Or,
Select the Scan button from the Control toolbar.
2.The Scan dialog will appear.
3.Specify which Clients to Scan by removing or including the check mark next to the Client name.
4.Select Display multiple Clients at a time.
5.Select number of Client screens to be displayed in the Scan window.
6.If scanning more than four Client screens, select a Scan interval.
7.Click Scan.
8.The Scan window will appear.
Note: If Scanning more Client screens than the number of screens displayed in the Scan window, by using the Next, Auto and Previous buttons you are able to switch between multiple Scan Windows.
The toolbar buttons for a multiple Client Scan Window have the following functions: - Previous, Auto and Next buttons
You can turn auto timing on or off from the Scan window toolbar, or choose to move forwards or backwards between individual Clients. The previous button shows the previous Client screen scanned. The next button shows the next Clients screen in the scan cycle.