HP Classroom Manager 10.61
1.From the HP Classroom Manager Startup Wizard select Classroom
2.The HP Classroom Manager Deploy dialog will appear.
3.Enter the room to assign the computers.
4.The drop down list will display all the available Domains and workgroups, you can also deploy to specific IP ranges by selecting Add a new IP range from the list.
5.Select the required group, the available computers will be displayed in the Available Computers list.
6.Select the computer(s) to deploy the Student software to and click Add. The computer(s) will be moved to the Selected Computers list.
7.Click Finish to commence the installation. A progress dialog will appear, enabling you to monitor the deployment as it installs on each computer.
8.The HP Classroom Manager Student software will be deployed to the requested machine and assigned to the room specified.
Note: You can also access the HP Classroom Manager Basic Deploy dialog from the Tutor Configurator. Select {School}{Configuration - Network Settings} from the Control window drop down menu and click the Deploy button.
This section will guide you through starting HP Classroom Manager.
The main point to remember when using HP Classroom Manager is that the workstation that is taking control of other workstations is called the Control or Tutor, and the workstations being controlled are called the Clients or Students.
Note: This guide assumes you have already installed HP Classroom Manager. If you have not done this, do so now. See the Installation section for details.
Starting HP Classroom Manager
After installation the Client program is automatically loaded on the Student workstations as Windows starts up.
To start the HP Classroom Manager Control program, double click on the HP Classroom Manager Tutor icon in your HP Classroom Manager Program Group, or choose, {Start}{Programs}{HP Classroom Manager}{HP Classroom Manager Tutor Console}.
When HP Classroom Manager loads, the Welcome Wizard will appear, from here you can deploy the Student software onto new computers in your current classroom, by clicking Classroom. If you need to deploy the Student software across your network or need more advanced options click Network. To just start the Tutor program, click Start and the Class Wizard will appear.