HP Classroom Manager 10.61
To select the features to be made available on the Toolbar choose {View}{Current Settings – Student Toolbar} from the Control window drop down menu.
Enable the Toolbar and decide whether to make it always visible. Alternatively, if the Toolbar is minimized the Student can mouse over the top of their screen to make it appear. If the Tutor changes a setting that affects a toolbar option, a message will appear. For example, enabling Internet restrictions.
The following Toolbar options can be turned on or off as required:
Shows the Image associated with this Student
Shows the Students logged on name or the name entered on the Student Register.
Class and Teacher information
Show amount of time left in the Lesson
Indicate when typing is being monitor
Show Instant Messenger metering state
Shows the current Printer status. Blocked, Paused etc.
Show Application monitoring status and give access to approved Applications
Show Internet monitoring status and give access to approved websites
Displays the Student Icon image.
Shows the Students logged on name or the name entered on the Student Register.
Displays details of the current class, Tutor name, subject and room.
If a timed lesson is in progress, indicates the time remaining.
Advises the Student when keyboard monitoring is active.
Indicates the current status of Messenger Monitoring.
Shows the current Printer status. Blocked, Paused etc.
Indicates to Students the current status of Application Monitoring, Restricted or Unrestricted access. If Restrictions apply, the list of approved applications will be displayed when Students click the Toolbar icon.
Indicates to Students the current status of Internet Monitoring, Restricted or Unrestricted access. If Restrictions apply, the list of approved websites will be displayed when Students click the Toolbar icon.