HP Classroom Manager 10.61
Installing HP Classroom Manager is exceptionally easy and provided you follow a few simple rules you should be up and running within a very short time.
Features Not Available on HP MultiSeat
In a shared computing environment, like HP MultiSeat, some of the HP Classroom Manager features listed in this document are not available. For example, options such as shutting down a student system would not make sense since multiple students are sharing one host PC. Please refer to the chart in this document for details on which features do not apply to HP MultiSeat environments: Appendix: Features of HP Classroom Manager and HP Classroom Manager for MultiSeat.
Deployment Scenarios
HP Classroom Manager is supported on consumer operating systems (such as Windows® 7) running on desktops, laptops, and workstations. It is also supported on HP MultiSeat host PCs running Windows MultiPoint™ Server. Installation and usage vary depending on the combination of these platforms within your virtual classroom environment.
∙Traditional PC Teacher and MultiSeat Students
In this scenario, the teacher will run the HP Classroom Manager Tutor console on a desktop or laptop while the students will use HP MultiSeat stations. In this case, you would choose to install only the Student component on the HP MultiSeat host PC (as an administrator in Maintenance Mode). On the teacher‟s computer, you would install only the Tutor component. During the installation, an option is presented asking if MultiSeat stations will be used as students in the classroom. In this scenario, you would enable this option, which will remove the functions from the Tutor console which are not supported with MultiSeat students. You can also change this option after installation by opening the Tutor console and going to School Configuration
Start Options and toggling the checkbox labeled “Tutor will be used to connect to students within a MultiSeat thin client environment.”
∙MultiSeat Teacher and Students
In this scenario, the teacher and the students will all use HP MultiSeat stations. In this case, you would choose the Custom option during installation (as an administrator in Maintenance Mode), then choose to install both the Tutor and the Student components. The MultiSeat option mentioned in the previous scenario will automatically be enabled. It is advisable to add security so that students cannot run the Tutor console. For information on restricting access to the Tutor console to certain users, refer to Restricting Access to the HP Classroom Manager Tutor in an HP MultiSeat Environment.
Decide what functions to install
To be able to Show to and Control this workstation from another you install a Student, sometimes called a Client.
If you want to be able to Show to or take over another workstation from this one, you install both a Tutor, also called a Control, and a Student.
To manage and maintain computers you will need to install the Tech Console. This provides Lab Technicians and Network Managers with the main HP Classroom Manager features.
Note: The HP Classroom Manager Tutor is configured to use TCP/IP.
What naming convention are you going to use for the Student workstations?
HP Classroom Manager requires that each Student workstation be allocated a unique name. To take advantage of the full range of Connection and Administrative functionality of HP Classroom Manager you need to have a sensible naming convention for the Student Workstations.
For example, you might decide that all workstations in one classroom would start with the name CLASS1_WK. You can then configure the Tutor program to automatically connect to the workstations in that room only.
Alternatively you might decide to use the Machine Name or Computer Name that is already set up as part of your networking environment. Whichever method you use it is important that it easily identifies the individual workstations in a way that is recognizable to the user, at the Tutor workstation.
You are now ready to install HP Classroom Manager Tutor and Student programs.