HP Classroom Manager 10.61
HP Classroom Manager
features, 17 starting, 17
HP Classroom Manager deploy, 8
a Client configuration, 13
an HP Classroom Manager license file, 13 an HP Classroom Manager package, 10 getting started, 9
log files, 15
HP Classroom Manager deploy via room mode, 16
customize, 40 image file
display image when Client locked, 128 import/export data. See testing module
install configuration options, 8 installation
setup type, 4 installing
from a server, 6
parameters for silent install, 8 planning, 1
prerequisites, 2 remote deploy, 8 silent installation, 7 starting the installation, 2
instcfg.exe file, 8 interactive whiteboard, 60 inventory, 140
ip subnet browsing, 30
join class, 28
disable Client joining class, 126
keyboard monitoring, 52 setting up word lists, 52 typing history, 54
known list
add Clients, 27 connect to, 27 remove Clients, 28
label image question, 146 launching applications, 86 layout
arrange Client icons, 24 load, 24
set background, 24 lesson planner, 116
set class time, 116 links, vi
list view
application view. See application control module
arrange icons, 24
survey view. See student surveys web view. See web control module
load layout, 24
lock/unlock mouse and keyboard, 41
display graphic, 41 display image, 128
lock/unlock students in the
during a remote deploy, 15 logging in students, 21
logout, 89
manage student resources, 114 managing class lists, 119 messages
messenger monitoring, 50
history, 51 monitor mode, 48
multi true or false question, 148
MultiSeat comparison, 163
name server, 32
configuration, 33, 34 enable at Tutor, 132
observation mode, 149 order items question, 148
at Control, 134
protect Control configuration, 136 planner, 116
planning an installation, 1 play replay file, 71
play video, 67, 68 power management
power off Client workstations, 25 power on Client workstations, 25
history, 111
using print management, 109 profiles, 113
protect Control configuration, 134, 136 publish class, 28
publish exam, 155
question scores, 153 questions mode, 142
adding resources to questions, 149 create combo list question, 145
create drag and drop image question, 145 create drag and drop text question, 144 create label image question, 146
create multi true or false question, 148 create