HP AlphaServer GS1280 Systems
ES/GS Common Options
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
Concurrent Use
OpenVMS media and online documentation on
OpenVMS hard copy documentation
OpenVMS base hard copy documentation
OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library Package: Layered products media and documentation for OpenVMS on
| ||
| ||
| Cluster License for OpenVMS Alpha | |
| OpenVMS Volume shadowing license | |
OpenVMS Galaxy |
Galaxy Soft Partition | OpenVMS Galaxy hardware requirements: |
Rules | One or more CPUs per instance. |
| One or more I/O modules per instance. |
| Console port or network access per instance. |
| Memory: |
Enough private memory for OpenVMS and applications
Enough shared memory for the shared memory cluster interconnect, global sections, and so on
Maximum of eight Galaxy instances per system or hard partition.
Display for configuration management with either an Alpha or VAX workstation running DECwindows or a Windows NT workstation with an X terminal emulator.
For each CPU in an OpenVMS Galaxy, one OpenVMS Galaxy License if mandatory.
For more information about OpenVMS Galaxy requirements, configurations, and procedures, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide. The latest version is always available at http://h71000.www7.hp.com/availability/galaxy.html
Galaxy | |
Galaxy | |
Galaxy | |
Galaxy | |
Galaxy | |
DA - 11921 Worldwide — Version 24 — July 23, 2007 | Page 49 |