Network Configuration
Setting Up the Network Configuration File
Follow the steps below to configure the ZLUs, refer to the examples above for clarification. In the example, ZLUs 19 and 20 form an analyzer pair, so do 21 and 22, and 23 and 24.
•Choose ZLU numbers for each of the analyzer ports so they are unique within the whole ttgen configuration file.
•Note the ZLU numbers for each analyzer pair; there should always be an even number of analyzer ZLUs.
•Set the mux:port numbers so they correspond to the ports defined in the “Port Definitions” section.
•Select the HDLC.FRAME protocol for each of the analyzer ZLUs, and set the “poll” and “select” configuration parameters to zero (0) .
•Set the Application number to 90. If this is not set correctly the pcapture and pdisplay programs will not be able to find the analyzer ZLUs. (Use the pdisplay command show when the software is running, to ensure the ZLUs have been correctly configured.)
•Set the parameter after the 90 (application number) to the partner ZLU number. In the example, the partner ZLU for 19 is 20, for 21 is 22, etc.
•Set the next parameter to 1 if the port is to be the DTE (TX monitor) port, and 2 if it is to be the DCE (RX monitor port). Note that the DTE/DCE definitions for partner ZLUs must be different.
•Set the last two parameters to 0.
•The port description (“Protocol Analyzer,” above) may have any string of up to 30 characters. This is a comment field and its value will not affect the analyzer operation. The field is displayed by ZMNTR and may be used for application or operational description, for example, “Backup X.25 link monitor.”
Running TTGEN and Starting the ACC Mux
Once the network configuration is complete, the file must be compiled by ttgen. To run ttgen use the following command:
$ ttgen
Here file.answ is the source file that has just been set up, and file.tmem is the output file to be used by zmon to start the ACC Mux system. For example, to compile the sample file:
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