Network Configuration
Setting Up the Network Configuration File
$pdisplay options Current option settings
Level 2 Decode header: | Yes u/U | |
Display raw data: | No | v/V |
Level 3 Decode header: | Yes w/W | |
Decode facilities: | Yes x/X | |
Display raw data | No | y/Y |
Exit program
Display Event# & time (e/E) No
Display Lead changes (l/L) | Yes |
Raw data display (see below) | ASCII8 |
Raw data single or full (s/S) | Single |
This method may be used to save the display output from a capture file to a file, or to pipe the output to more:
$pdisplay display /var/opt/acc/log/sample.eve > printfile
$pdisplay display /var/opt/acc/log/sample.eve
Appendix A | 49 |