Tefal TD1400K0 manual Memory function, Specific messages

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TefDis-Thermoauric 04-10 20/07/10 14:53 Page 27

Memory function

This thermometer has a memory for 10 readings.

After each reading, the temperature is automatically recorded in the first empty memory.

If all the memory space is used, the first memory is automatically deleted and replaced by the new reading and so on.

To read the memorised temperatures: The product must be switched off.

Press the button until MEMORY appears on the screen. The information appears on the screen alternately.

example :

To read all of the 10 temperature readings in the memory, press briefly and successively on : the different temperatures are displayed one after another as the ear or forehead mode in which they have been taken.

To exit the memory mode, press the button or wait for the thermometer to switch off automatically.

To delete the memorised temperatures:

Enter in memory mode .

Press until appears. The thermometer switches off automatically.

Specific messages

The ear and forehead thermometer has been designed to give precise information.

If the following messages appear on the screen, refer to the table below and follow the instructions :




Battery energy is low.

Change the battery.









The battery is dead.

Change the battery. If the screen remains








white, contact a TEFAL after sales service














The temperature reading exceeds the

Take the temperature reading again.




range of possible temperatures.










The temperature reading is below the

Take the temperature reading again.




range of possible temperatures.










The temperature reading is out the

Place the thermometer in a room where




range of possible temperatures.

the temperature is between 16°C and





35°C and wait at least 30 minutes before





taking the temperature again.








Image 27
Contents TefDis-Thermoauric 04-10 20/07/10 1453 TefDis-Thermoauric 04-10 20/07/10 1453 TefDis-Thermoauric 04-10 20/07/10 1453 Description Précautions d’emploiTemp. rectale Temp. orale Temp. axillaire Spécifications techniques Mise en place de la pileMesure auriculaire Arrêt Mesure frontaleAttendre au minimum 30 minutes avant Affichages spéciauxFonction mémoires Renouveler la prise de températureEntretien Changement de pileTemp. oor Temp. rectaal Temp. mond Temp. oksel Gemiddelde temperaturenOmschrijving GebruiksinstructiesTechnische gegevens Plaatsen van de batterijMeting in het oor Tijdens het opnemen van de temperatuur geeft de display Meting op het voorhoofdUit Verwijder de beschermkapSpeciale berichten GeheugenfunctieKinderen Vervangen van de batterijMessung im Ohr 35,8 37,8C Mittlere TemperaturenBeschreibung VorsichtsmassnahmenTechnische Eigenschaften Einlegen der BatterieMessung im Ohr Während der Temperaturmessung wird auf dem Display Symbol blinkt 5 MalMessung an der Stirn AusschaltenSpezielle Anzeigen SpeicherfunktionenInstandhaltung Auswechseln der BatterieTemp. rettale Temp. orale Temperature medie Temp. frontaleDescrizione Precauzioni dusoInstallazione della pila Specifiche tecnicheMisurazione auricolare Misurazione frontale SpegnimentoPremete Nuova misurazione della temperatura Funzione memorieVisualizzazioni speciali SpegneSostituzione della pila ManutenzionePrecautions for use Technical specifications Installing the batteryEar measurement Forehead measurement Switching offSpecific messages Memory functionBattery change CleaningDescripción Temperaturas mediasTimpánica Especificaciones técnicas Colocación de la pilaMedición timpánica Sobre la piel hasta la sien fig Medición frontalApagado MuestraIndicaciones especiales Función de memorizaciónMantenimiento Cambio de la pilaTemp. rectal Temp. oral Temp. axilar 36,1C DescriçãoPrecauções de utilização Temperaturas médiasMedição auricular Colocação da pilhaMedição frontal DesligarTemperatura medida excede o Voltar a tirar a temperatura Indicações especiaisPilha fraca Substituir a pilha Pilha fora de uso Branco, contactar um Serviço deLimpeza ·Û›· Â›Ó·È ÂÓ‰ÂÈÎÙÈ΋ ‹ ÁÓÒÌË, ÌËÓ ÙÚÔÔÔț٠ÙȘÚÔÙÔ‡ ¯ÚËÛÈÌÔÔÈ‹ÛÂÙ ÙË Û˘Û΢‹ ÙÔ ÊÙ¿ÛÔ˘Ó ·È‰È¿∞Ê·ÈÚ¤ÛÙ ÙÔ Î·¿ÎÈ ÚÔÛÙ·Û›·˜ ∆¯ÓÈΤ˜ ¶ÚԉȷÁڷʤ˜£ÂÚÌÔÎÚ·Û›· ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓÙÔ˜ ¶ËÁ‹ ÂÓ¤ÚÁÂÈ·˜¤ÙÚËÛË ·fi ÙÔ Ì¤ÙˆÔ ∞ÓÙÈηٷÛÙ‹ÛÙ ÙË Ì·Ù·Ú›·. ∂¿Ó Ë ¶·Ù‹ÛÙÂ Î·È ÎÚ·Ù‹ÛÙ ·ÙË̤ÓÔ ÙÔ Ï‹ÎÙÚÔ¶·Ù‹ÛÙ ·Ú·ÙÂٷ̤ӷ ÙÔ Ï‹ÎÙÚÔ ∞ÓÙÈηٷÛÙ‹ÛÙ ÙË Ì·Ù·Ú›·¤ÓÙÚ· ۤڂȘ Tefal ∞ÓÙÈηٿÛÙ·ÛË Ì·Ù·Ú›·˜Tanm Kullanm önlemleriOrtalama scaklklar Aln scaklğ Dili çekiniz / . 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