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indicator is turned off. Likewise, if the “On” indicator or one of the scene indicators is illuminated, and then all of the lighting loads are turned off at HAI UPB™ Wall Switches and/or Dimmers, the “Off” indicator will illuminate and any others are turned off.

About House Controllers

The HAI UPB™ 8-Button House Controller allows for controlling all 8 rooms of lighting where HAI UPB™ Wall Switches, Dimmers, and Modules have been installed. It can also be configured as a general purpose 8 button keypad controller used to trigger 8 different macro programs in the Omni IIe controller or to toggle between two different actions (i.e. turn lighting load on...turn lighting load off) each time a pushbutton is pressed.

When used to control rooms of lighting in the HLC structure, each button on the House Controller is used to toggle all of the lights in the respective room on and off. When the room is turned on, the LED indicator behind the respective button is illuminated and all of the lights in the room are turned on. When the room is turned off, the LED indicator behind the respective button is turned off and all of the lights in the room are turned off. If a lighting load in the respective room is turned on, the LED indicator behind the button is illuminated. When all lighting loads in the respective room are turned off, the LED indicator behind the button is turned off.

When used to control rooms of lighting in the HLC structure, each House Controller controls 8 consecutive rooms (i.e. Room 1- 8). To configure a House Controller to control a group of 8 rooms, it must be set to the last unit number in one of the respective rooms. For example, a House Controller set to Unit 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, or 64 is configured to control rooms 1-8. This allows you to have up to 8 House Controllers throughout the house that control rooms 1-8.

Within the HLC structure, House Controllers can also be configured as a general purpose 8 button keypad controller that is used to trigger 8 different macro programs in the Omni IIe. When configuring a House Controller as a general purpose 8 button keypad controller, it must be set to a unit number between the first and last unit number in a room (i.e. 2-7, 10-15, 18-23, 26-31, 34-39, etc.). When configured as a general purpose 8 button keypad controller, programs must be created in the Omni IIe controller for the LED indicator behind each button to function.

About CentraLite

CentraLite is a centralized lighting control system that uses hardwired lighting control technology to control lighting loads, fans, and mechanical low voltage relays.

CentraLite lighting scenes are used to control groups of lights which are preset to turn on to various levels of dimming.

When set to CentraLite, the Omni IIe controller can:

¾Send commands (on, off, and level) to individual loads and relays

¾Receive status (on and off) from individual loads and relays

¾Execute scene commands (on and off) to control of up to 255 CentraLite lighting scenes

¾Receive commands when buttons are pressed on a CentraLite keypad (up to 127)

About Lutron RadioRA

Lutron RadioRA uses wireless communication technology to control lighting. Each Switch or Dimmer controls one Zone, or area, of lighting in a RadioRA system. Accessory Switches and Dimmers are used to control the lights locally from up to 9 additional locations. Master controls provide control and monitoring for all the lights in a RadioRA system.

Phantom Buttons are “virtual” buttons in the RS232 Interface. Though there are no physical buttons that represent these Phantom Buttons, they work very similarly to buttons on RadioRA Master Controls. Phantom Buttons are intended to give the RS232 Interface control over multiple RadioRA Switches and Dimmers with one command. To control more than one device at one time, Phantom Buttons are recommended.

A Zone is any individual RadioRA Switch or Dimmer. A RadioRA System has a maximum of 32 Lighting Zones. Zone Numbers can be used to identify any individual Zone (one Switch or one Dimmer), in a RadioRA system via the RS232 Interface. The Chronos System Bridge and Timeclock bridges two RadioRA systems for a total of 64 Lighting Zone Controls and 24 Master Controls.

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Contents HOME AUTOMATION, INC Document Number 20R00-50Rev. JanuaryCopyright 2001-2006Home Automation, Inc All Rights ReservedSECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION INTRODUCTIONOVERALL DESCRIPTION ContentsCONTROL PC Access TELEPHONE CONTROLSETUP CANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSFEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNERPage Page INTRODUCTIONUnderwriters Laboratories UL Listing 1- OFF OVERALL DESCRIPTIONConsole Operation 2- DAY6- UP ARROW Normal Top-LevelDisplayDisplay Menus 7- CONSOLE LEDTrouble Beeps Error BeepsMain Menu To silence the beeper, press the * keyAreas Omni IIe MaintenanceCancel Confirmation Beep0 = OFF SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONArming the Security System 1 = DAY3 = AWAY Using Shortcut Keys2 = NIGHT 4 = VACATIONBypassing Zones 9 = RESTOREQuick Arm Restoring ZonesBurglar Alarm Activated What To Do When You Come HomeWhat Happens When the Alarm is Activated #=GOTOEmergency Keys Fire Alarm ActivatedGas Alarm Activated PageAlarm Cancel Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm ActivatedAlarm Reset Police EmergencyMaster Code Trouble IndicationsCodes PageArea Arming Panic SwitchesDuress Code Manager CodeGOTO Area PageTesting Your System PageAbout UPB Control CommandsCONTROL PageHAI Lighting Control HLC Format When set to UPB, the Omni IIe controller canRoom Controller LED Indicators About RoomsAbout CentraLite About Lutron RadioRAAbout House Controllers PageAbout When set to RadioRA, the Omni IIe controller canAbout ALC House CodesControlling Units Unit NumbersScrolling Through Names Omni IIe Unit NumbersOperation Configuring Lighting Scenes in an HLC RoomStep Controlling CentraLite Units PagePage Controlling RadioRA UnitsControlling ALC or X-10Units Page Ramp Command ALCControlling Compose Units Status of a Unit Timed CommandsScene Command Compose Internal FlagsWHEN ALL ON LINK 50 ON WHEN ALL OFF LINK 50 OFF Controlling OutputsAll On / Off WHEN ALL ON PHANTOM BUTTON 16 ONLeviton Scene Control All Lights OnAll Off SceneScene On Command Scene CommandsScene Set Command Scene Off CommandExecuting Phantom Buttons Setting a Link Lighting ScenesActivating and Deactivating Links Executing CentraLite ScenesLeave for Work Button ButtonsTemperature Control Dinner for Two ButtonHAI RC-SeriesThermostats PageProgrammable Energy Saver Modules PESMs PageThe following control actions are allowed on PESMs PageIndoor and Outdoor Temperature Freeze AlarmsIMPORTANT NOTES PageTemperature Control of Appliances Temperature AlarmsHumidity PageStatus Configuring HLC DevicesConfiguring HLC Devices using an Omni Console PageStep Operation Setup Mode for HLC DevicesStep Operation Step OperationRING - RINGING ONHK - ON HOOKOFFHK - OFF HOOK DEAD - DEAD PHONE LINEEvent Log Show Events PagePage MessagesShow Message Say Message Log MessageClear Message Phone MessagePage MSGNAMEENTER MESSAGE In-HousePhones TELEPHONE CONTROLTelephone Interface Remote PhonesMain Menu Phone Access Denied - Remote LockoutAlternate Method Page3 - Button 1 - Control2 - Security 4 - All6 - Status When an HAI Communicating Thermostat is enteredWhen a Programmable Energy Saver PESM is entered 7 - Events9 - Good-Bye When the HAI Two-WayAudio Module is being used8 - Phone Panic Button over the Phone # # # # # #Voice Dialer Emergency Dial-OutDigital Dialer How the Omni IIe Voice Dialer WorksEntering the Code What the Omni IIe Voice Dialer DoesWhat You Hear - If Your Omni IIe Calls You PageBuilt-InEthernet Port PC AccessConnecting to Network via PC Access Omni IIe Ethernet Connections192.168.0.101 Hub or HAI Omni IIeRouter Local NetworkDynamic DNS Controlleri.e Local / Wide Area Networki.e PageAccess Areas SETUPSet Up Codes Authority LevelTIME Set Up TimeDuress Code Page2 = Show Programs Advanced Control Programming ACP1 = Add Programs PageMenu PagePage Edit Programs3 = Delete All Programs Page Edit Programs WhenTimes Programs Page Control Unit / Switch Press Event ButtonsButton and Event Programs Omni IIe Corresponding Switch TableSwitch UPB 6-ButtonKeypadPage Zone Event ButtonsAll On/Off Event Buttons X-10Event Buttons Alarm Event ButtonsUPB Link Event Buttons PagePage Miscellaneous Event ButtonsMessage Event Buttons Pro-Link Program Control Commands Edit Program CommandSwitch Press Event Buttons CentraLite PageWHEN U1 SW UNIT 1 LED 3 ON Unit Toggle CommandProgram Security Commands WHEN LINK 1 ON Porch Light STATUSProgram Video Commands Program Button CommandsProgram All On / All Off Commands Program Temperature CommandsProgram Control Conditions Program Message CommandsEdit Program Condition PageProgram Time Clock Conditions Program Security Mode ConditionsProgram Zone Conditions Program Other ConditionsSELECT CONDITION NEVER PageRemote Commands Set Up DialTelephone Access Answer Outside CallDial Order Dial Out NumberDial Out Numbers PageExit Delay Set Up ArmingEntry Delay Audible Exit DelayEnable Auto Bypass Set up MiscellaneousEnable Quick Arm All On For AlarmHouse Codes 1-4Format Enable Freeze AlarmFlash For Alarm FORMATPage House Codes 1-4All OnTime Clocks Daylight Savings Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneZONE NAME PageNUMBER Controller IP AddressController Port Number DESCRIPTIONPage Set Up NamesEncryption Key SET UP VOICE 1=CTRL 2=ZONE 3=BTTN ↓ Set Up VoiceSet Up Address 4=CODE 5=TEMP 6=AREA 8=MSG↑Page UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSFIRE ESCAPE PLANNING FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE PagePage CANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEIF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR PHONES Page APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNEROmni IIe Voice Dial-OutPlanner INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTY PageCODE CHAR APPENDIX B - TEXT DESCRIPTION CHARACTER CODESCODE CHAR CODE CHARDESCRIPTION APPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTION CODESCODE CODECODE CODEDESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONCODE CODEDESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION PagePage NOTE TO INSTALLER HAI New Orleans, LA U S A