Home Automation INC. Omni IIe, HOME AUTOMATION owner manual Msgname, Enter Message, Page

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The built-in serial ports (J1-J3) on the controller are assigned to Serial Port 1 - Serial Port 3, respectively. Serial port 4 is a Serial Interface Module connected to the Expansion port on the controller.

Next, select the message to be sent. You may enter the message number followed by the ' # ' key to send that message, or simply press the down arrow key to scroll through a list of messages. Press the ' # ' key to send the selected message:




The message is sent out through the specified Pro-Link port exactly as the message was entered in Setup Names Message.

Carriage returns and line feed characters are not automatically appended to the end. To send ASCII control as part of the message, use the caret "^" character in the message. This character specifics that the next character is to be interpreted as an ASCII control character, such as "^M" to represent a carriage return.

Other useful sequences would be "^J" for a line feed character and "^G" for a bell character. To include an actual "^" character in the message, enter it twice as in "^^".

Each message can be up to 15 characters long. To send a longer message, simply program two messages to be sent one after the other.

Pro-Link also has the capability to monitor the serial port for incoming text messages. When a text message is received, Pro-Link searches through all 64 messages for a matching message. If one is found, the Program Command (macro) corresponding to the matching message is activated.

When receiving an ASCII message that is over 15 characters, Omni IIe only processes the last 15 characters of the message.

Pro-Link determines that a message has been received when:

One or more characters have been received followed by 100 ms of silence

One or more characters followed by a carriage return character are received

One or more characters followed by a line feed character are received

It is not necessary to enter the terminating carriage return or line feed character as part of the message name.

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Contents Document Number 20R00-50Rev. January HOME AUTOMATION, INCAll Rights Reserved Copyright 2001-2006Home Automation, IncOVERALL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTIONSECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION ContentsCONTROL TELEPHONE CONTROL PC AccessSETUP FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSCANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNERPage Underwriters Laboratories UL Listing INTRODUCTIONPage Console Operation OVERALL DESCRIPTION1- OFF 2- DAYDisplay Menus Normal Top-LevelDisplay6- UP ARROW 7- CONSOLE LEDMain Menu Error BeepsTrouble Beeps To silence the beeper, press the * keyCancel Omni IIe MaintenanceAreas Confirmation BeepArming the Security System SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION0 = OFF 1 = DAY2 = NIGHT Using Shortcut Keys3 = AWAY 4 = VACATIONQuick Arm 9 = RESTOREBypassing Zones Restoring ZonesWhat Happens When the Alarm is Activated What To Do When You Come HomeBurglar Alarm Activated #=GOTOGas Alarm Activated Fire Alarm ActivatedEmergency Keys PageAlarm Reset Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm ActivatedAlarm Cancel Police EmergencyCodes Trouble IndicationsMaster Code PageDuress Code Panic SwitchesArea Arming Manager CodePage GOTO AreaPage Testing Your SystemCONTROL Control CommandsAbout UPB PageRoom Controller LED Indicators When set to UPB, the Omni IIe controller canHAI Lighting Control HLC Format About RoomsAbout House Controllers About Lutron RadioRAAbout CentraLite PageAbout ALC When set to RadioRA, the Omni IIe controller canAbout House CodesScrolling Through Names Unit NumbersControlling Units Omni IIe Unit NumbersStep Configuring Lighting Scenes in an HLC RoomOperation Controlling CentraLite Units PageControlling ALC or X-10Units Controlling RadioRA UnitsPage Controlling Compose Units Ramp Command ALCPage Scene Command Compose Timed CommandsStatus of a Unit Internal FlagsAll On / Off Controlling OutputsWHEN ALL ON LINK 50 ON WHEN ALL OFF LINK 50 OFF WHEN ALL ON PHANTOM BUTTON 16 ONAll Off All Lights OnLeviton Scene Control SceneScene Set Command Scene CommandsScene On Command Scene Off CommandActivating and Deactivating Links Setting a Link Lighting ScenesExecuting Phantom Buttons Executing CentraLite ScenesTemperature Control ButtonsLeave for Work Button Dinner for Two ButtonPage HAI RC-SeriesThermostatsPage Programmable Energy Saver Modules PESMsPage The following control actions are allowed on PESMsIMPORTANT NOTES Freeze AlarmsIndoor and Outdoor Temperature PageHumidity Temperature AlarmsTemperature Control of Appliances PageConfiguring HLC Devices using an Omni Console Configuring HLC DevicesStatus PageStep Operation Setup Mode for HLC DevicesStep Operation Step OperationOFFHK - OFF HOOK ONHK - ON HOOKRING - RINGING DEAD - DEAD PHONE LINEShow Events Page Event LogShow Message MessagesPage Clear Message Log MessageSay Message Phone MessageENTER MESSAGE MSGNAMEPage Telephone Interface TELEPHONE CONTROLIn-HousePhones Remote PhonesAlternate Method Phone Access Denied - Remote LockoutMain Menu Page2 - Security 1 - Control3 - Button 4 - AllWhen a Programmable Energy Saver PESM is entered When an HAI Communicating Thermostat is entered6 - Status 7 - Events8 - Phone When the HAI Two-WayAudio Module is being used9 - Good-Bye Panic Button over the Phone # # # # # #Digital Dialer Emergency Dial-OutVoice Dialer How the Omni IIe Voice Dialer WorksWhat You Hear - If Your Omni IIe Calls You What the Omni IIe Voice Dialer DoesEntering the Code PageConnecting to Network via PC Access PC AccessBuilt-InEthernet Port Omni IIe Ethernet ConnectionsDynamic DNS Local Network192.168.0.101 Hub or HAI Omni IIeRouter Controlleri.e Local / Wide Area Networki.e PageSet Up Codes SETUPAccess Areas Authority LevelDuress Code Set Up TimeTIME Page1 = Add Programs Advanced Control Programming ACP2 = Show Programs PagePage Menu3 = Delete All Programs Edit ProgramsPage Times Programs Edit Programs WhenPage Button and Event Programs Control Unit / Switch Press Event ButtonsPage Switch Corresponding Switch TableOmni IIe UPB 6-ButtonKeypadAll On/Off Event Buttons Zone Event ButtonsPage UPB Link Event Buttons Alarm Event ButtonsX-10Event Buttons PageMessage Event Buttons Pro-Link Miscellaneous Event ButtonsPage Switch Press Event Buttons CentraLite Edit Program CommandProgram Control Commands PageProgram Security Commands Unit Toggle CommandWHEN U1 SW UNIT 1 LED 3 ON WHEN LINK 1 ON Porch Light STATUSProgram All On / All Off Commands Program Button CommandsProgram Video Commands Program Temperature CommandsEdit Program Condition Program Message CommandsProgram Control Conditions PageProgram Zone Conditions Program Security Mode ConditionsProgram Time Clock Conditions Program Other ConditionsPage SELECT CONDITION NEVERTelephone Access Set Up DialRemote Commands Answer Outside CallDial Out Numbers Dial Out NumberDial Order PageEntry Delay Set Up ArmingExit Delay Audible Exit DelayEnable Quick Arm Set up MiscellaneousEnable Auto Bypass All On For AlarmFlash For Alarm Enable Freeze AlarmHouse Codes 1-4Format FORMATTime Clocks House Codes 1-4All OnPage ZONE NAME Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneDaylight Savings PageController Port Number Controller IP AddressNUMBER DESCRIPTIONEncryption Key Set Up NamesPage Set Up Address Set Up VoiceSET UP VOICE 1=CTRL 2=ZONE 3=BTTN ↓ 4=CODE 5=TEMP 6=AREA 8=MSG↑FIRE ESCAPE PLANNING UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSPage Page FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICEIF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR PHONES CANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEPage Omni IIe Voice Dial-OutPlanner APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNERPage Page INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTYCODE CHAR APPENDIX B - TEXT DESCRIPTION CHARACTER CODESCODE CHAR CODE CHARCODE APPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTION CODESDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODECODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION CODECODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION PagePage HAI New Orleans, LA U S A NOTE TO INSTALLER