Home Automation INC. Omni IIe Phone Access Denied - Remote Lockout, Alternate Method, Main Menu

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Phone Access Denied - Remote Lockout

The Omni IIe has a remote lockout feature to discourage youngsters (and adults who act that way) from trying to access your system. If four invalid codes are entered, the system will hang up and a one-hour lockout period will begin. During the lockout period, the Omni IIe will not answer a call after any number of rings, which should discourage the caller.

If a lockout occurs, the event Phone Access Denied is entered into the event log, along with the time and date of its occurrence.

The one-hour lockout does not apply to in-house phones. The lockout is cleared immediately if the Omni IIe is accessed using an in-house phone.

Alternate Method

The Omni IIe has an alternate access method that may be more effective, especially when calling long distance.

1.Call the system and allow the phone to ring once or twice.

2.Hang up.

3.Wait about 10 seconds, but within 60 seconds, call the system again. It will answer on the first ring and beep.

4.Enter your code.

Main Menu

Once you have successfully logged into your Omni IIe, it will read you a menu of commands, as follows:













This means that you press '1' for Control functions, '2' for Security, '3' for Button, etc. Pressing one of the keys on the phone will move you to another menu. These menus are the same as the menus on the console. Words in brackets [ ] are only spoken if that feature is in use.

You do not have to wait for the Omni IIe to finish talking. Once you are familiar with the menus, you can simply punch the numbers on the phone without waiting. Whenever you press a number, the Omni IIe stops talking and goes on to the function that you have selected. If you press a key that is not on the current menu, you will hear 3 beeps and the menu will be repeated.

So that the Omni IIe does not tie up your phone, there is a 10 to 15 second time-out that starts after the Omni IIe stops talking. If it does not hear any numbers from your phone in 10 to 15 seconds after it stops talking, the Omni IIe will hang up. If you are on a remote phone and the Omni IIe hangs up, you must call the Omni IIe again. If you are on an in-house phone, hang up, wait a few seconds, then pick up and press the # key.

To hear the main menu again, press 0 on your phone. To cancel an operation, press ' * ' for Cancel. You will hear "CANCEL" and one beep for a cancel operation.

If you make a mistake, you will hear 3 beeps, then the Omni IIe will re-read whichever menu you are in.

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Contents Document Number 20R00-50Rev. January HOME AUTOMATION, INCAll Rights Reserved Copyright 2001-2006Home Automation, IncContents INTRODUCTIONOVERALL DESCRIPTION SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONCONTROL TELEPHONE CONTROL PC AccessSETUP APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNER UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSFEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE CANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEPage INTRODUCTION Underwriters Laboratories UL ListingPage 2- DAY OVERALL DESCRIPTIONConsole Operation 1- OFF7- CONSOLE LED Normal Top-LevelDisplayDisplay Menus 6- UP ARROWTo silence the beeper, press the * key Error BeepsMain Menu Trouble BeepsConfirmation Beep Omni IIe MaintenanceCancel Areas1 = DAY SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONArming the Security System 0 = OFF4 = VACATION Using Shortcut Keys2 = NIGHT 3 = AWAYRestoring Zones 9 = RESTOREQuick Arm Bypassing Zones#=GOTO What To Do When You Come HomeWhat Happens When the Alarm is Activated Burglar Alarm ActivatedPage Fire Alarm ActivatedGas Alarm Activated Emergency KeysPolice Emergency Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm ActivatedAlarm Reset Alarm CancelPage Trouble IndicationsCodes Master CodeManager Code Panic SwitchesDuress Code Area ArmingPage GOTO AreaPage Testing Your SystemPage Control CommandsCONTROL About UPBAbout Rooms When set to UPB, the Omni IIe controller canRoom Controller LED Indicators HAI Lighting Control HLC FormatPage About Lutron RadioRAAbout House Controllers About CentraLiteHouse Codes When set to RadioRA, the Omni IIe controller canAbout ALC AboutOmni IIe Unit Numbers Unit NumbersScrolling Through Names Controlling UnitsControlling CentraLite Units Page Configuring Lighting Scenes in an HLC RoomStep OperationControlling RadioRA Units Controlling ALC or X-10UnitsPage Ramp Command ALC Controlling Compose UnitsPage Internal Flags Timed CommandsScene Command Compose Status of a UnitWHEN ALL ON PHANTOM BUTTON 16 ON Controlling OutputsAll On / Off WHEN ALL ON LINK 50 ON WHEN ALL OFF LINK 50 OFFScene All Lights OnAll Off Leviton Scene ControlScene Off Command Scene CommandsScene Set Command Scene On CommandExecuting CentraLite Scenes Setting a Link Lighting ScenesActivating and Deactivating Links Executing Phantom ButtonsDinner for Two Button ButtonsTemperature Control Leave for Work ButtonPage HAI RC-SeriesThermostatsPage Programmable Energy Saver Modules PESMsPage The following control actions are allowed on PESMsPage Freeze AlarmsIMPORTANT NOTES Indoor and Outdoor TemperaturePage Temperature AlarmsHumidity Temperature Control of AppliancesPage Configuring HLC DevicesConfiguring HLC Devices using an Omni Console StatusStep Operation Setup Mode for HLC DevicesStep Operation Step OperationDEAD - DEAD PHONE LINE ONHK - ON HOOKOFFHK - OFF HOOK RING - RINGINGShow Events Page Event LogMessages Show MessagePage Phone Message Log MessageClear Message Say MessageMSGNAME ENTER MESSAGEPage Remote Phones TELEPHONE CONTROLTelephone Interface In-HousePhonesPage Phone Access Denied - Remote LockoutAlternate Method Main Menu4 - All 1 - Control2 - Security 3 - Button7 - Events When an HAI Communicating Thermostat is enteredWhen a Programmable Energy Saver PESM is entered 6 - StatusPanic Button over the Phone # # # # # # When the HAI Two-WayAudio Module is being used8 - Phone 9 - Good-ByeHow the Omni IIe Voice Dialer Works Emergency Dial-OutDigital Dialer Voice DialerPage What the Omni IIe Voice Dialer DoesWhat You Hear - If Your Omni IIe Calls You Entering the CodeOmni IIe Ethernet Connections PC AccessConnecting to Network via PC Access Built-InEthernet PortController Local NetworkDynamic DNS Hub or HAI Omni IIeRouterPage Local / Wide Area Networki.e i.eAuthority Level SETUPSet Up Codes Access AreasPage Set Up TimeDuress Code TIMEPage Advanced Control Programming ACP1 = Add Programs 2 = Show ProgramsPage MenuEdit Programs 3 = Delete All ProgramsPage Edit Programs When Times ProgramsPage Control Unit / Switch Press Event Buttons Button and Event ProgramsPage UPB 6-ButtonKeypad Corresponding Switch TableSwitch Omni IIeZone Event Buttons All On/Off Event ButtonsPage Page Alarm Event ButtonsUPB Link Event Buttons X-10Event ButtonsMiscellaneous Event Buttons Message Event Buttons Pro-LinkPage Page Edit Program CommandSwitch Press Event Buttons CentraLite Program Control CommandsWHEN LINK 1 ON Porch Light STATUS Unit Toggle CommandProgram Security Commands WHEN U1 SW UNIT 1 LED 3 ONProgram Temperature Commands Program Button CommandsProgram All On / All Off Commands Program Video CommandsPage Program Message CommandsEdit Program Condition Program Control ConditionsProgram Other Conditions Program Security Mode ConditionsProgram Zone Conditions Program Time Clock ConditionsPage SELECT CONDITION NEVERAnswer Outside Call Set Up DialTelephone Access Remote CommandsPage Dial Out NumberDial Out Numbers Dial OrderAudible Exit Delay Set Up ArmingEntry Delay Exit DelayAll On For Alarm Set up MiscellaneousEnable Quick Arm Enable Auto BypassFORMAT Enable Freeze AlarmFlash For Alarm House Codes 1-4FormatHouse Codes 1-4All On Time ClocksPage Page Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneZONE NAME Daylight SavingsDESCRIPTION Controller IP AddressController Port Number NUMBERSet Up Names Encryption KeyPage 4=CODE 5=TEMP 6=AREA 8=MSG↑ Set Up VoiceSet Up Address SET UP VOICE 1=CTRL 2=ZONE 3=BTTN ↓UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTS FIRE ESCAPE PLANNINGPage Page FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICECANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR PHONESPage APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNER Omni IIe Voice Dial-OutPlannerPage Page INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTYCODE CHAR APPENDIX B - TEXT DESCRIPTION CHARACTER CODESCODE CHAR CODE CHARCODE APPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTION CODESCODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODEPage CODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTIONPage HAI New Orleans, LA U S A NOTE TO INSTALLER