Home Automation HOME AUTOMATION Activating and Deactivating Links, Setting a Link Lighting Scenes

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Activating and Deactivating Links

A special UPB command called “Link On” (activate) is used to command all of the devices that have the same Link to go to their preset light levels at their preset fade rates.

For instance, in our “All On” and “All Off” example, when “Link 50 On” is transmitted by Omni IIe, each UPB Wall Switch with Link 50 will go to 100% to achieve the “All On” effect. Other “Link On” (activate) commands may be transmitted that cause Wall Switch ‘1’ to go to a desired level at a specified fade rate and Wall Switch ‘2’ to go to a different level at a different fade rate. The ability to send more than one device to its preset level at a preset fade rate with a single command is known as activating a Link. Likewise, pressing a pushbutton on a 6-Button or 8-Button Keypad can send the “Link On” (activate) command.

A special UPB command called “Link Off” (deactivate) is used to command all of the devices that have the same Link to go to 0% at their preset fade rate. For instance, in our “All On” and “All Off” example, when “Link 50 Off” is transmitted by Omni IIe, each Wall Switch with Link 50 will go to 0% to achieve the “All Off” effect.

Setting a Link (Lighting Scenes)

Lighting scenes are created by pre-configuring light levels and fade rates in one or more UPB devices that get “activated” and “deactivated” by a Link command or button press on a 6-Button or 8-Button Keypad.

Each UPB Wall Switch can hold up to sixteen different preset light levels (0% - 100%) that can be “linked” to the Omni IIe controller or to a pushbutton on a 6-Button or 8-Button Keypad.

Omni IIe can “set” each of the 250 possible Links. The “Link Set” command is used to set up lighting scenes for a lighting group. To set a “lighting scene” using Omni IIe, adjust all of the UPB Wall Switches with the pre-configured Link to the desired lighting levels. The desired lighting levels may be set manually at the switch, or by a command issued from Omni IIe. After the desired lighting levels are set, the “Link Set” command can be transmitted by Omni IIe to save the new “light levels” for each of the devices pre-configured with the specified Link.

Executing Phantom Buttons

Omni IIe can turn on and turn off each of the 17 possible Phantom Buttons. Phantom Buttons must be pre-programmed into the RS-232 interface or Chronos. Phantom Button 16 is always assigned to “All On” (if the Phantom button is turned on or off) and Phantom Button 17 is always assigned to “All Off” (if the Phantom button is turned on or off).

To issue Phantom Button commands, from the top-level display or from the main menu, press the 4 (ALL) key on the console keypad, and then press the 4 (PHANTOM) key. You are prompted to enter a Phantom Button (1-17).


Enter the Phantom Button number (1-17) followed be the ' # ' key.


When a Phantom Button is turned on, all of the devices that are pre-programmed with that Phantom Button will go to their preset light levels. When a Phantom Button is turned off, all of the devices that are pre-programmed with that Phantom button will turn off.

Executing CentraLite Scenes

Omni IIe can turn on and turn off each of the 255 possible CentraLite Scenes. To issue CentraLite Scenes commands, from the top level display or from the main menu, press the 4 (ALL) key on the console keypad, and then press the 5 (CENLIT) key. You are prompted to enter a Scene (1-255).


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Contents HOME AUTOMATION, INC Document Number 20R00-50Rev. JanuaryCopyright 2001-2006Home Automation, Inc All Rights ReservedINTRODUCTION OVERALL DESCRIPTIONSECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION ContentsCONTROL PC Access TELEPHONE CONTROLSETUP UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTS FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICECANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNERPage INTRODUCTION Underwriters Laboratories UL ListingPage OVERALL DESCRIPTION Console Operation1- OFF 2- DAYNormal Top-LevelDisplay Display Menus6- UP ARROW 7- CONSOLE LEDError Beeps Main MenuTrouble Beeps To silence the beeper, press the * keyOmni IIe Maintenance CancelAreas Confirmation BeepSECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION Arming the Security System0 = OFF 1 = DAYUsing Shortcut Keys 2 = NIGHT3 = AWAY 4 = VACATION9 = RESTORE Quick ArmBypassing Zones Restoring ZonesWhat To Do When You Come Home What Happens When the Alarm is ActivatedBurglar Alarm Activated #=GOTOFire Alarm Activated Gas Alarm ActivatedEmergency Keys PageDuress Code Entered or Duress Alarm Activated Alarm ResetAlarm Cancel Police EmergencyTrouble Indications CodesMaster Code PagePanic Switches Duress CodeArea Arming Manager CodeGOTO Area PageTesting Your System PageControl Commands CONTROLAbout UPB PageWhen set to UPB, the Omni IIe controller can Room Controller LED IndicatorsHAI Lighting Control HLC Format About RoomsAbout Lutron RadioRA About House ControllersAbout CentraLite PageWhen set to RadioRA, the Omni IIe controller can About ALCAbout House CodesUnit Numbers Scrolling Through NamesControlling Units Omni IIe Unit NumbersConfiguring Lighting Scenes in an HLC Room StepOperation Controlling CentraLite Units PageControlling RadioRA Units Controlling ALC or X-10UnitsPage Ramp Command ALC Controlling Compose UnitsPage Timed Commands Scene Command ComposeStatus of a Unit Internal FlagsControlling Outputs All On / OffWHEN ALL ON LINK 50 ON WHEN ALL OFF LINK 50 OFF WHEN ALL ON PHANTOM BUTTON 16 ONAll Lights On All OffLeviton Scene Control SceneScene Commands Scene Set CommandScene On Command Scene Off CommandSetting a Link Lighting Scenes Activating and Deactivating LinksExecuting Phantom Buttons Executing CentraLite ScenesButtons Temperature ControlLeave for Work Button Dinner for Two ButtonHAI RC-SeriesThermostats PageProgrammable Energy Saver Modules PESMs PageThe following control actions are allowed on PESMs PageFreeze Alarms IMPORTANT NOTESIndoor and Outdoor Temperature PageTemperature Alarms HumidityTemperature Control of Appliances PageConfiguring HLC Devices Configuring HLC Devices using an Omni ConsoleStatus PageSetup Mode for HLC Devices Step OperationStep Operation Step OperationONHK - ON HOOK OFFHK - OFF HOOKRING - RINGING DEAD - DEAD PHONE LINEEvent Log Show Events PageMessages Show MessagePage Log Message Clear MessageSay Message Phone MessageMSGNAME ENTER MESSAGEPage TELEPHONE CONTROL Telephone InterfaceIn-HousePhones Remote PhonesPhone Access Denied - Remote Lockout Alternate MethodMain Menu Page1 - Control 2 - Security3 - Button 4 - AllWhen an HAI Communicating Thermostat is entered When a Programmable Energy Saver PESM is entered6 - Status 7 - EventsWhen the HAI Two-WayAudio Module is being used 8 - Phone9 - Good-Bye Panic Button over the Phone # # # # # #Emergency Dial-Out Digital DialerVoice Dialer How the Omni IIe Voice Dialer WorksWhat the Omni IIe Voice Dialer Does What You Hear - If Your Omni IIe Calls YouEntering the Code PagePC Access Connecting to Network via PC AccessBuilt-InEthernet Port Omni IIe Ethernet ConnectionsLocal Network Dynamic DNS192.168.0.101 Hub or HAI Omni IIeRouter ControllerLocal / Wide Area Network i.ei.e PageSETUP Set Up CodesAccess Areas Authority LevelSet Up Time Duress CodeTIME PageAdvanced Control Programming ACP 1 = Add Programs2 = Show Programs PageMenu PageEdit Programs 3 = Delete All ProgramsPage Edit Programs When Times ProgramsPage Control Unit / Switch Press Event Buttons Button and Event ProgramsPage Corresponding Switch Table SwitchOmni IIe UPB 6-ButtonKeypadZone Event Buttons All On/Off Event ButtonsPage Alarm Event Buttons UPB Link Event ButtonsX-10Event Buttons PageMiscellaneous Event Buttons Message Event Buttons Pro-LinkPage Edit Program Command Switch Press Event Buttons CentraLiteProgram Control Commands PageUnit Toggle Command Program Security CommandsWHEN U1 SW UNIT 1 LED 3 ON WHEN LINK 1 ON Porch Light STATUSProgram Button Commands Program All On / All Off CommandsProgram Video Commands Program Temperature CommandsProgram Message Commands Edit Program ConditionProgram Control Conditions PageProgram Security Mode Conditions Program Zone ConditionsProgram Time Clock Conditions Program Other ConditionsSELECT CONDITION NEVER PageSet Up Dial Telephone AccessRemote Commands Answer Outside CallDial Out Number Dial Out NumbersDial Order PageSet Up Arming Entry DelayExit Delay Audible Exit DelaySet up Miscellaneous Enable Quick ArmEnable Auto Bypass All On For AlarmEnable Freeze Alarm Flash For AlarmHouse Codes 1-4Format FORMATHouse Codes 1-4All On Time ClocksPage Latitude, Longitude, and Time Zone ZONE NAMEDaylight Savings PageController IP Address Controller Port NumberNUMBER DESCRIPTIONSet Up Names Encryption KeyPage Set Up Voice Set Up AddressSET UP VOICE 1=CTRL 2=ZONE 3=BTTN ↓ 4=CODE 5=TEMP 6=AREA 8=MSG↑UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTS FIRE ESCAPE PLANNINGPage FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE PageCANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR PHONESPage APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNER Omni IIe Voice Dial-OutPlannerPage INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTY PageAPPENDIX B - TEXT DESCRIPTION CHARACTER CODES CODE CHARCODE CHAR CODE CHARAPPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTION CODES CODEDESCRIPTION CODECODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION PagePage NOTE TO INSTALLER HAI New Orleans, LA U S A