Home Automation 20A00-1 Follow this procedure for removing the controller board

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Follow this procedure for removing the controller board:

1.If possible, upload the programs and configuration. (This will not be possible if the status LED isn't flashing or if you can't get the voice to work.)

2.Unplug the power transformer.

3.Disconnect the battery

4.Disconnect the RJ31X modular cable at the jack!! If you only disconnect it at the Omni II controller only, the house phones won't work.

5.Disconnect the X-10 cable. Disconnect the serial cable.

6.Carefully remove the four terminal strips from the controller board. Gently push down on terminal strip retention clips. These clips are located on either end of the strip and 2 in the middle. Slowly pull strip away from terminal block socket and secure.

7.Remove 9 screws and washers; 3 on the top edge, 3 on the bottom edge, and 3 in the middle of the controller.

8.Remove the controller board.

9.Wrap the controller board with protective material and pack carefully. HAI will not be responsible for returned items damaged due to inadequate packaging.

10.Call Home Automation, Inc. with the serial number for a Return Authorization number to help us track your return. Write the R. A. # on the outside of the package.

11.Return the controller to Home Automation, Inc. Please include your return address, any special shipping instructions and daytime phone number so that we can reach you if we have any questions. Also include a brief description of the problem that you are having.

12.INSTALLATION: follow the removal process in reverse. Follow the POWER UP and CHECK OUT procedures in this manual.

13.NOTE: When a controller is returned from being repaired, all setup and programming is lost. The board is returned with the factory default setup and programming.

FOR HELP: Call HAI between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central time, Monday - Friday, at (800) 229-7256.

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Contents Installation Manual Page Home Automation, Inc Installation Manual Contents Installer Setup Figures Introduction PlanningInstallation Controller HookupController Hookup About Security Zones Overall Connections Diagram About Fire Zones TWO-WIRE Fire Zone Connections FOUR-WIRE Fire Zone Connections Refer to RJ31X Jack Connections for this configuration Telephone ConnectionsRJ31X Jack Connections Console Setup LCD Console HookupConsole Self Test Console Connections Sounder Outputs Sounder Connections Controller Outputs Reset OutputsOutput Applications Remote ARM/DISARM Switch Home Control ModulesRemote Keyswitch Connections HAI Thermostat Connections HAI ThermostatsProgrammable Energy Saver Modules ConnectionsTemperature / Humidity Sensor Connections TEMPERATURE, Outdoor TEMPERATURE, and HumidityPesm Connections BUILT-IN Serial Port RS-232 Connections Console Check OUT System Power UP ProcedureTelephone Check OUT Fire Zone Check OUT Burglar Zone Check OUTHome Control Checkout Customer Checkout Case of TroubleFollow this procedure for removing the controller board Description of Contact ID Digital CommunicatorDescription of 4/2 Format Format Opening and Closing ReportsSetup Control Installer SetupHouse Code Output Types Output Type Number DescriptionWireless Receiver Setup ZonesZone Resistors Zone Response Time Zone TypesType Through Z 48 Type Zone Type Number DescriptionDescription of Zone Types Latching Zone TypesENTRY/EXIT Supervised Fire Police EmergencyDuress Emergency Silent Dial OUT Fire EmergencyTemperature Keyswitch InputOutdoor Temperature Temperature AlarmSecond Phone NUMBER, Second Account Number Setup Digital CommunicatorFirst Phone NUMBER, First Account Number Communicator TypeReport OPEN/CLOSE Automatic Test TimeSetup Areas Setup Areas ControlSetup Areas Zones Setup Areas ButtonsSetup Areas Messages Setup Areas ConsolesSET-UP Areas Thermostats Temperature Display Setup TemperaturesThermostat Type Enable PC Access Setup MiscellaneousInstaller Code PC Access CodeAlarm Reset Time Outside Siren DelayDial OUT Delay Fire Alarm VerificationSupervise EXT Sndr Enable Emergency KeysSupervise INT Sndr Time DisplayDate Display AC Power FrequencyClock Adjustment Dead Line DetectReset System RAM Reset System EepromModel and Software Version Setup Expansion Function Types Number Description Serial 1 FunctionSerial 2 Rate Omni II Specifications VDCUnderwriters Laboratories UL Installation Requirements Hour Standby Battery Capacity Maximum current ratings for 24-hoursSmoke Detector Installation Guidelines Appendix a Contact ID Reporting Format Zone Type Trip Trouble DescriptionAppendix B Digital Communicator Code Sheet Information for Central StationCode Zone Description Action to Take Code Zone Description Action to Take Code Zone Description Action to Take Code Zone Description Action to Take Page HAI New Orleans, LA U S a