Home Automation 20A00-1 installation manual Digital Communicator, Description of Contact ID

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The Omni II digital communicator can use Contact ID, or Standard 4/2 or 3/1, (20 pps, 1800 Hz data, 2300 Hz handshake), or (10 pps, 1900 Hz data, 1400 Hz handshake), dual round compared format. Any central station with modern equipment can receive these formats. Compatible receivers are Ademco, Radionics, Osborne-Hoffman, Linear, FBI, and Silent Knight. It is up to the installer to verify compatibility. At the time of installation, the installer is required to verify compatibility and phone line seizure of the Digital Communicator.

If the digital dialer does not get a handshake signal from the central station 45 seconds after it begins dialing, it hangs up and tries again. The dialer will try the FIRST PHONE NUMBER 5 times, then go to the SECOND PHONE NUMBER and try that 5 times. After that, the system will indicate COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE on the console display and the digital communicator will not try again until another reportable event occurs.

The digital communicator will not dial out until the DIAL OUT DELAY has expired. If the alarm is canceled prior to the expiration of the DIAL OUT DELAY, no transmission will take place. After the DIAL OUT DELAY has expired, though, all alarm trips will be transmitted followed by a CANCEL code.

When the digital communicator is used, all voice dial outs will be delayed for five minutes after the expiration of the dial out delay to allow time for the central station to call the premises after an alarm code has been sent. If the digital communicator is unable to successfully communicate with the central station, the user will be alerted to the trouble condition. When the system status is requested using the voice, this condition is reported over the phone as "SECURITY PHONE MESSAGE" trouble.


Contact ID reporting allows very specific event codes to be sent to the central station. A complete report takes under three seconds. Contact ID reporting uses predefined event codes that allow the central station to quickly identify the condition being reported. The specific security zone or user code is identified as part of the report.

For each event code transmitted, the report also includes an event qualifier that identifies whether the report is for a new event (such as a security zone trip), or a restoration of an event (such as a security zone no longer tripped). Trouble conditions are reported, as well as restoration of these trouble conditions. For security armings and disarmings, this event qualifier is also used to identify whether the report is for an arm or disarm. The reporting format for Contact ID is listed in Appendix A in this manual.

When using Contact ID, the alarm codes and/or reporting format cannot be changed. All alarm trips, regardless of Zone Type (except Auxiliary Inputs), will be reported to the Central Station.


The 4/2 format consists of a four-digit account code, from 0000 to FFFF and a two-digit alarm code from 00 to FF. When the digital communicator calls the central station receiver, the latter answers and sends a brief 2300 Hz tone or a 1400 Hz tone called a "Handshake" tone. The digital communicator then reports digits of the account and alarm codes as bursts of either (1800 Hz) or (1900 Hz) tone; the digit 8 is represented by eight bursts of tone. A message, or "round" consists of an account code and an alarm code. Two rounds are sent, and two consecutive rounds must match at the receiver. If they do, the central station receiver sends another brief 2300 Hz or 1400 Hz tone to acknowledge to the digital dialer that the message has been properly received. If the rounds don't match, the receiver does not send the second tone and the digital dialer tries again, up to 5 times. If the rounds are not acknowledged after 5 tries, the digital dialer hangs up and tries the entire call again.

The digital communicator can report alarm zone trips, alarm cancels, low battery, and fire zone trouble. It may also be setup to generate an automatic test signal at periodic intervals. The communicator may be setup to call second phone number using a second account number in the event that it is unable to communicate successfully using the first phone number and account.

The digital communicator is setup at the factory to transmit a code when the battery is low or trouble with the fire zone is detected. If these codes are set to 0 or 00, no code will be sent when the trouble condition is detected.

Although the alarm codes can be changed, we recommend that the alarm codes setup at the factory be used to minimize the risk of installer error in programming the digital communicator. Simply enter the phone numbers and account codes, then verify the alarm codes.

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Contents Installation Manual Page Home Automation, Inc Installation Manual Contents Installer Setup Figures Planning IntroductionController Hookup InstallationController Hookup About Security Zones Overall Connections Diagram About Fire Zones TWO-WIRE Fire Zone Connections FOUR-WIRE Fire Zone Connections Telephone Connections Refer to RJ31X Jack Connections for this configurationRJ31X Jack Connections LCD Console Hookup Console SetupConsole Self Test Console Connections Sounder Outputs Sounder Connections Output Applications Reset OutputsController Outputs Home Control Modules Remote ARM/DISARM SwitchRemote Keyswitch Connections HAI Thermostats HAI Thermostat ConnectionsConnections Programmable Energy Saver ModulesTEMPERATURE, Outdoor TEMPERATURE, and Humidity Temperature / Humidity Sensor ConnectionsPesm Connections BUILT-IN Serial Port RS-232 Connections Telephone Check OUT System Power UP ProcedureConsole Check OUT Home Control Checkout Burglar Zone Check OUTFire Zone Check OUT Case of Trouble Customer CheckoutFollow this procedure for removing the controller board Description of 4/2 Format Digital CommunicatorDescription of Contact ID Opening and Closing Reports FormatHouse Code Installer SetupSetup Control Output Type Number Description Output TypesZone Resistors Setup ZonesWireless Receiver Zone Type Number Description Zone TypesType Through Z 48 Type Zone Response TimeENTRY/EXIT Latching Zone TypesDescription of Zone Types Fire Emergency Police EmergencyDuress Emergency Silent Dial OUT Supervised FireTemperature Alarm Keyswitch InputOutdoor Temperature TemperatureCommunicator Type Setup Digital CommunicatorFirst Phone NUMBER, First Account Number Second Phone NUMBER, Second Account NumberAutomatic Test Time Report OPEN/CLOSESetup Areas Control Setup AreasSetup Areas Buttons Setup Areas ZonesSET-UP Areas Thermostats Setup Areas ConsolesSetup Areas Messages Thermostat Type Setup TemperaturesTemperature Display PC Access Code Setup MiscellaneousInstaller Code Enable PC AccessFire Alarm Verification Outside Siren DelayDial OUT Delay Alarm Reset TimeTime Display Enable Emergency KeysSupervise INT Sndr Supervise EXT SndrDead Line Detect AC Power FrequencyClock Adjustment Date DisplayModel and Software Version Reset System EepromReset System RAM Setup Expansion Serial 2 Rate Serial 1 FunctionFunction Types Number Description VDC Omni II SpecificationsUnderwriters Laboratories UL Installation Requirements Maximum current ratings for 24-hours Hour Standby Battery CapacitySmoke Detector Installation Guidelines Zone Type Trip Trouble Description Appendix a Contact ID Reporting FormatInformation for Central Station Appendix B Digital Communicator Code SheetCode Zone Description Action to Take Code Zone Description Action to Take Code Zone Description Action to Take Code Zone Description Action to Take Page HAI New Orleans, LA U S a