Whirlpool CA8WR42 manual Thelocationshouldprovide

Page 35


Window opening measurements

Medidas de la abertura de la ventana

Dimensions de I’ouverture dans la fen&tre

Important: Observe all governing codes and ordinances.

Checklocationwhereair conditionerwill be installed.Properinstallationis your responsibility.Makesureyouhaveeverything necessaryfor correctinstallation.


l Grounded electrical outlet within four feet(122 cm) of theleft bottomcorner of thewindow.Do not useanextensioncord.

lFree movement of air to roomsto be cooled.

Peligro de Peso Excesivo

Se necesitan dos personas o m& para mover e instalar el acondicionador de aire.

No seguir esta instrucci6n puede ocasionar una herida a la espalda u otra herida.

Importante: Obserave todos 10s c6digos y reglamentos aplicables.

Verifiqueel lugardondeseinstalar%el acondicionadordeaire.Lainstalacibncorrecta essuresponsabilidadksegtirese.dequeusted tienetodolo necesarioparaunainstalacidn correcta.

l Tomacorriente puesto a tierra a cuatro pies(122cm) dela esquinainferior izquierda dela ventanl.Nousecorddndeextensi6n.

lLibertad de movimiento de1 aire a las habitacionesquedeseaenfriar.

Risque du poids excessif

Utiliser deux ou plus de personnes pour dCplacer et installer le climatiseur.

Le non-respect de cette instruction peut causer une blessure au dos ou d’autres blessures.

Important: Respecter les prescriptions de tous les codes et rtiglements en vigueur.

InspecterI’emplacementOIIIle climatiseursera instalk!;c’estaupropriktairequ’incombela responsabilited’uneinstallationcorrecte. VCrifierquetoutle matgrielnecessairepour uneinstallationcorrecteestdisponible.


lPrise de courant Clectrique reliCe g la terre sit&e ‘dmoinsde 122cm (4 pi) de I’emplacementd’installation(fenstre). Ye pasutiliserunerallongepour I’alimentation electriquedeI’appareil.

l Circulation libre de I’air jusqu’auxpieces grefroidir.

l A large enough opening for the air

conditioner. Installationpartsaresupplied for double-hungwindowsup to 38inches (96.5 cm) wide.A special,WideWindowKit is availablefrom your dealeror service centerfor windows38” (96.5 cm) to 54” (137.2 cm) wide. UseKit Nos. 1155851 and 485676.(Curtainsmustberemovedand replacedwith filler boards.)

. Adequate wall support for weightof air conditioner.Air conditionerweighsbehveen 80 and 100pounds(36.3 to 45.4kg).

Do not install the air conditioner in an

areawherethefront panelwill beexposedto heatsourcesthatwill raisethepanelsurface temperatureabove120°F(jO’C),

lUna abertura con la amplitud sutkiente para el acondicionador de aire. Se incluyenpiezasdeinstalacibnparaventanas deguillotinadehasta38pulgadas(96,5 cm) deancho.L‘nJuegoparaVentanaAncha especialestLdisponibledesuditribuidoro centrodeservicioparaventanasde38” (96,~ cm) a 54” (137,2cm) deancho.UseJuegos No.1155851y 485676.(Debequitarlas cortinasy reemplazarlaspor tablasde relleno).

lSoporte adecuadoen la pared parael peso de1acondicionadordeaire.El acondicionadordeairepesaentre80y 100 librw (de36,3a45.4kg).

No instale el acondicionador de aire enun 6readondeel paneldelanteroestCexpuestoa fuentesdecalorqueaumentenla temperatura dela superficiede1panelaun nivelsuperiora 10s120°F(50X).

l Ouverture de taille suffkmte pour I’installation du climatiseur. Lespi&es d’mstallationsontfourniespourunefen$trea guillotinedelargeurmavimalcde96,5cm

(38po), Pourunefen&tredegrandelargeur, de96,; cm (38 po) ?t137,2cm

(54PO),commanderI’ensemblespCcia1 pour grandefen&treaupresdu concessionnaireou du serviced’entretien. Utiliserlesnkcessairesno 1155851et 485676.@esrideauxdoiventCtreenlev&et remplackspar desplanchesderemplissage.)

lSupport mural adCquat pour le poidsdu climatiseur.Lepoidsdu climatiseurestde 36,s i 45,4 kg (80g 100livres).

Ne pas installer le climatiseur g un emplacement0iY1le panneauavantseraitexposC ‘ddessourcesdechaleursusceptiblesdeporter la tempkraturesuperficielledu panneauavanta plus de50°C(120” F).

A. electric


D. level

A. taladro elkctrico

D. nivel

A. perceuse


D. niveau

and 3/32” or

E. tape measure


Y una broca mk

E. cinta para medir


et foret E. m&e-ruban




B. utility


G. safety glasses



F. guantes

de 3/32 po ou

F. gants



plus petit



G. Anteojos


G. lunettes de




B. cuchillo

de uso

B. couteau












C. tournevis

a lame

















C. desarmador de








hoja plana












B. gum-type sealer




D. tornillos


D. 3 vis g mCtaux

C. window rail seal


B. sellador

hexagonales para







metales de

Image 35
Contents Nota Room AIR Conditioner Acondicionador DE Aire ClimatiseurDes ElContentsUna Nota para Usted Merci d’avoir achetb cet appareil ’ Note 6 I’utilisateurIt is your responsibility to ErrAir Conditioner SafetyYour safety is important to us Es su responsabilidad Seguridad del Acondicionador de AireSu seguridad es importante para nosotros ’est 5 vous qu’incombe les responsabilith suivantes Ql Instructions de s6curit&climatiseurSkcurit6 Nous tient Coeur Importantes Instructions DE SlkURITEStarting your air conditioner Operating InstructionsNotas Lnstrucciones Utilisation Uperaclon ClimatiseurC6mo poner en marcha su Acondicionador de aire Mise en marche du climatiseurOn some models Using the exhaust controlUsing the Energy Saver settings Changing air directionChangement de la direction de lair C6mo usar el control de salida de aireEmploi de I’orientation de i’air C6mo cambiar la direccibn del aireNormal operating sounds CleaningInstructionsCleaning the front panel QlInstructions de nettoyage Lnstrucciones de LimpiezaEnergy saving tips Cleaning the air filterAir filter tips Nettoyage du filtre S air C6mo limpiar el filtro de airePerforming Annual Maintenance Entretien Annuel C6mo Realizar el Mantenimiento AnualRepairing paint damage Reparation de la peinture Reparacibn de la pintura dafiadaTroubleshooting Water drips from cabinet into your house Unit turns on and off too much, or does not cool roomEl aire acondicionado parece que funciona excesivamente Diagnhtico de ProblemasSu acondicionador No funcionartiSu casa La unidad se enciende y se apaga o no enfria la habitaci6nSe filtra agua del gabinete Le climatiseur semble QlDiagnosticLe climatiseur ne fonctionne pas Destruction des fusibles ou ouverture du disjoncteurOpen Koulement d’eau de la caisse dans la maisonC6mo Ordenar Accesorios Ordering AccessoriesQD Commande d’accessoires If you need replacement pat-tsT Requesting Assistance or Service in the U.S.AIf you are not satisfied with how the problem was solved+ If you need service+Si necesita refaccionest La C6mo Solicitar Ayuda o Servicio Tknico en 10s EE.UUSi necesita asistenciat Si necesita servicio tfknicotFor further assistance If you need assistance or servicePlus ’assistance Ou de serviceSi vous avez besoin de service’ Si vous avez besoin d’assistance‘96 Length of Warranty WE will PAY for Full ONE-YEARWarranty Garantia ’ACHAT Garantie DE LA Garantie Nous Paierons Pour’UNE DE LA DateInstructionsd’instaIIdtionau Proprietaire Thelocationshouldprovide 0El Clt Congratulations

CA8WR42 specifications

The Whirlpool CA8WR42 is a modern and efficient air conditioning unit designed to provide optimal comfort in residential spaces. This appliance combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, ensuring that users have a seamless experience while keeping their homes cool.

One of the standout features of the Whirlpool CA8WR42 is its powerful cooling capacity. With a rated output of 4,200 BTU, this unit is perfect for small to medium-sized rooms, making it an excellent choice for apartments, bedrooms, or home offices. Its cooling efficiency is enhanced by an energy efficiency rating that helps reduce electricity consumption while maintaining a comfortable indoor climate.

The CA8WR42 is equipped with an adjustable thermostat that allows users to set their desired temperature easily. It includes multiple fan speeds, which not only help in quickly achieving a comfortable environment but also provides customization so users can select the airflow that suits their needs. The programmable timer is another convenient feature, permitting users to set specific operating hours, further optimizing energy usage and reducing costs.

In terms of design, the Whirlpool CA8WR42 is compact and aesthetically pleasing, allowing it to blend seamlessly into various home decor styles. Its portable design features easy-glide wheels, enabling users to move it effortlessly from room to room, offering cooling where it's most needed.

The unit is also designed with quiet operation in mind. The noise level is kept to a minimum, which is particularly beneficial for nighttime use or during activities that require concentration. This feature ensures that comfort does not come at the expense of peace and quiet.

Technologically, the Whirlpool CA8WR42 incorporates a user-friendly remote control, allowing users to adjust settings from a distance. Additionally, it includes a washable filter that captures dust and allergens, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

Overall, the Whirlpool CA8WR42 is a versatile and efficient air conditioning unit that combines performance, convenience, and aesthetics, making it a valuable addition to any home looking for effective cooling solutions. With its impressive features and user-oriented technologies, it ensures a comfortable and refreshing atmosphere during hot weather, embodying the perfect balance of functionality and style.