now you can see
This menu allows you to setup the motion detection settings, including detection area and sensitivity, when motion is detected for this camera. 10 being the most sensitive and 1 being the least sensitive.
Press ENTER in Settings to call up Motion Detection Setup (as shown) for this camera. In Motion Detection Setup, the video area is divided into many small grids, and the area with transparent grids is the area which will be detected for motion. The gray grids represent the area that is not detected for motion.
Following is a brief description of the operations:
•▲▼◄►- Press these buttons to move the Mask window.
•ENTER - Press this button to set/reset the area under the Mask window.
•MODE - Press this button to set/reset the whole video area.
•SEQ - Press this button to decrease the sensitivity, from 10 – 1, for the motion detection of this camera. (10 is the most sensitive).
•CALL - Press this button to increase the sensitivity, from 1 – 10, for the motion detection of this camera. (10 is the most sensitive).
•SEARCH - Press this button to test the motion detection of this camera. The detected motion will be shown on the screen. Press this button again to stop testing.
•ESC (MENU/ESC) - Press this button to escape from Motion Detection Setup, and return to Motion Setup.
If the camera is covert, the video of this camera can only be viewed if the user has logged in as Administrator. Press ENTER or +/- to check/uncheck this item. The default setting is
This option allows you to switch the monitor display to show just the video of this camera if certain events occur for this camera. There are 4 options, including Off, Motion, Alarm, Both (Motion & Alarm). Press +/- buttons to select one.
CLEARVU11 | 22 |